Monday, July 1, 2024
NewsWWEBooker T Impressed With Recent WWE Call-Ups, Praises NXT

Booker T Impressed With Recent WWE Call-Ups, Praises NXT



On a recent edition of his “Hall of Fame” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Booker T spoke about the recent WWE NXT call-ups, CM Punk’s feud with Drew McIntyre, and more.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On how the recent NXT call-ups (Bron Breakker, Carmelo Hayes, ETC are doing on the main roster): “Oh, man, the call-ups are doing great man. Of course, you know, they’re gonna have to find a spot. People like JD McDonough as well, put him on that list. They’re gonna have to find his spots; it’s not gonna be an overnight thing. I look at the way they’re building Bron Breakker, and it’s a great way to build him. I mean, this kid’s gonna be a monster when he finally hits his stride, per se. But I like everything that they’re doing with the NXT call ups. I like everything that they’re doing in NXT. NXT just had a hell of a show this week. Some of the TNA guys showed up in the building, got a chance to kick it with Tommy Dreamer. He was at the NXT Arena as well. So no, man, everything’s popping right now with NXT. I’m loving it.”

On Drew McIntyre’s feud with CM Punk: “I know Drew McIntyre right now is — he’s all over it, man. He’s been doing some really really good work. The storyline with CM Punk, has drawn out to the point where it actually feels like an angle. So let’s see exactly what goes.”

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