Monday, January 13, 2025
EditorialI'm Back

I’m Back



Hello everyone, it’s been a while. I’ve had to move and for a while I didn’t have all the pieces to my computer so I couldn’t write anything, but now I’m back and have a lot of ideas for articles to write. Now I know a lot has happened since I’ve left. Summerslam, NXT Takeover Brooklyn, Night of Champions etc. but I’ve seen everything and kept up to date with the product so I’m not completely out of the loop, and a lot has happened. Seth Rollins and John Cena had an exciting series of matches and Rollins went over Cena at Summerslam like I predicted, Cena inevitably won the US Title back at Night of Champions, Sting also returned and challenged Rollins to a match at Night of Champions for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, and Rollins actually went over on Sting completely clean. And now Rollins is feuding with a returning Kane, and to be quite honest I’m liking the whole split personality storyline with Corporate Kane and Demon Kane. It almost breathes new life into the Kane character and shows continuity between the Rollins/Kane storyline, and I’m glad that they’re making them face off at Hell in a Cell. It just seems to make sense and I have a feeling that Kane will surprise everyone with how well he can still perform at a high level, and I’m happy to see Seth going over on so many different legends. It shows they have serious faith in him as a performer and helps make Seth more of a marquee, household name. But that’s all for another article, the point is I’m back after my absence and I now have a Facebook Page that I admin with my friend Michael for wrestling called Wrestling Utopia. We don’t own the page we just admin it, so we only control the posts not the name or profile pictures. But make sure to like it if you want good quality wrestling posts. Until then, I’ll see you guys next time

I'm Back
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