There is currently a big dark cloud of the head of Brock Lesnar. His latest fall out with Vince McMahon, especially so close to the end of his current contract with the WWE, has prompted many to speculate his departure from the company is more imminent than ever before, fueled even further by his UFC184 appearance. Let’s say he does indeed leave, that leaves a big hole in the WWE. More specifically, it leaves a big ‘walrus-shaped’ hole.
Without Brock Lesnar, Paul Heyman’s position would appear to be vulnerable. He no longer has the fall back of the Best in the World, Axelmania is running wild enough by itself, and Cesaro is too busy listening to his Beats to hear the screeching tones of Heyman. WWE would be stupid to not utilise the immense microphone and promotional skills; its time for a new Paul Heyman guy. And believe it or not, I think Roman Reigns is to be that guy.
Lets face it, Reigns is essentially a younger Brock Lesnar. Both had outstanding sporting prowess throughout school and college. Both have great physique and power, coupled with outstanding speed. Both don’t really have a clue when you put a microphone in their hands…….
Enter……”Ladies and Gentlemen………..”
If it weren’t for Heyman, Lesnar would struggle to the the top guy in the company, every loves a great technical wrestler, but if they can’t put together a promo or a storyline then they’re just going to fall by the wayside. I sort of feel the same will be true for Roman Reigns. Sure, if he wins at WM31 and becomes the next top guy, his in-ring capabilities will get him out of trouble from time to time, but how long before the WWE universe gets tired and bored and turns on him? With Paul Heyman by his side, it would take all the focus away from his lacking microphone skills, letting the wrestling (and the Walrus) do the talking for him.wwewwe