[Show: WWE NXT] [Location: Winter Park, FL] [Date: 8/26/15] [Airing on the WWE Network]
Welcome to WWE NXT, Big Cass and Enzo Amore open the show with a promo.
Eight-man tag team match: Big Cass, Enzo Amore, and The Hype Bros vs. Jason Jordan and Chad Gable and The Mechanics
Mojo Rawley and Zack Ryder doubled team Dash Wilder early in the match. Wilder with a right hand to Ryder then tagged in partner Scott Dawson, but ate a drop kick. Enzo Amore in and did some comedy. He boxed with Dawson until he backed Enzo into his corner and a brawl broke out.
-Commercial Break-
We’re back from break with Jason Jordan in control of Enzo Amore. Jordan hit a spear on Enzo in the corner. The heels double teamed Amore until Amore hit a DDT on Jason Jordan. Big Cass got the hot tag and cleared house on Chad Cable. Cass with a splash to Cable. He popped the crowd when he hit a big elbow drop on Cable for 2. Jason Jordan broke up the pinfall. Ryder took him out, the Mechanics took Ryder out and Mojo Rawley took them out with a clothesline. Cass hit a big powerslam on Cable. Enzo was tagged in and hit his splash off the top rope for the win.
Winners: Big Cass, Enzo Amore, and The Hype Bros
Finn Balor cuts a promo backstage about how the future is now for NXT and Finn Balor. “We are onto bigger and better things.”
A video package hyping the “new” Emma.
Another video package hyping Becky Lynch is shown.
Singles match: Eva Marie vs. Carmella.
They lock up, Carmella with a drop kick then taunted Marie. This led to Marie running at Carmella and landing a back elbow. Marie with a stiff forearm shot then a back splash for near fall. Marie with a body lock as the fans chant “we want blue pants.” Carmella fought out of the submission and hit a big boot on Marie. Marie cut her off with a jaw breaker then hit her finisher for the win.
Winner: Marie.
-Commercial Break-
-Commercial Break-
Singles match: Elias Sampson vs. Bull Dempsey
They lock up, Bull hit a powerslam, then hit the flying splash off the top rope for the win.
Winner: Bull Dempsey.
Samoa Joe cuts a backstage promo about beating Baron Corbin and how he’s coming for the NXT Championship.
Fatal Fourway match: Charlotte vs. Becky Lynch vs. Emma vs. Dana Brooke
Charlotte and Lynch clear the ring of Emma and Brooke early on. They lock up, Lynch with a hammer lock on the arm of Charlotte. Charlotte reverses and starts hitting several head takeovers to Lynch. Brooke and Emma got into the ring. They attack the two girls then dumped Charlotte to the floor. Brooke and Emma sent Charlotte back first into the barricade as we go to break.
We’re back from break with Brooke and Emma in control of Lynch. Brooke attacked Emma from behind then started taunting her. Charlotte nailed Brooke with a series of chops. Charlotte with a neck breaker to Brooke then a superkick to Emma. Charlotte hit a double DDT on both Emma and Brooke to pop the crowd. Charlotte pinned boht Emma and Brooke, but only could get a count of 2. Lynch went to the top rope and hit a drop kick on Charlotte. Lynch hit a series of clotheslines to Emma then Brooke. Charlotte followed it up with a fallaway slam on Emma. Lynch with a suplex to Brooke for 2, but Emma broke up the pin attempt. Emma hit a Emma Sandwich on Charlotte then Lynch in the corner. Emma covered and pinned Lynch in the corner for the win.
Winner: Emma.
Post-match, Charlotte speared Lynch then hit the Natural Selection. Lynch hit a suplex to Brooke then Charlotte locked in the figure eight submission hold.
Charlotte and Lynch celebrated in the ring to close the show.