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EditorialWWE NXT NO MERCY 2023 Preview: Full Card, Match Predictions & More

WWE NXT NO MERCY 2023 Preview: Full Card, Match Predictions & More



WWE NXT No Mercy 2023 is coming up this Saturday and before the event takes place, let’s run down everything you need to know about the upcoming pay-per-view.

Who is scheduled for the card? How interesting does the show seem? What’s going to happen with all the matches?

Here is a full preview of WWE NXT No Mercy 2023.


Date: Saturday, September 30, 2023

Start Time: 7 p.m. ET (pre-show), 8 p.m. ET (main show)

Location: Mechanics Bank Arena in Bakersfield, California


(as currently advertised; card is always subject to change)

Temperature Scale = Scorching > Hot > Lukewarm > Temperate > Chilly > Cold > Freezing

Heat Index is my assessment of how interesting the segment is, including how excited I am for the match and how intriguing the feud has been. The hotter, the better. Scorching translates to not being able to wait to see it, while Freezing means I couldn’t possibly care less and think it will be awful.

Carmelo Hayes (c) vs. Ilja Dragunov

Heat Index = Hot
Prediction: Carmelo Hayes wins.

Thoughts: I’m ALMOST Lukewarm on this, because we’ve seen it recently and there’s no gimmick to freshen it up. However, I do think they’ll have a good match and there’s a chance for a title change. Whether that happens or not entirely depends on if WWE wants to pull the trigger on the Melo vs Trick feud. Then, Williams comes out to “support” Hayes, inadvertently costs him the match, or willingly turns heel on him. I do think Hayes is going to retain, if I had to pick a definitive prediction, but I’m only about 60/40 on that. A heel Dragunov as the champion could be an interesting enough transition to the next phase.

Becky Lynch (c) vs. Tiffany Stratton

Heat Index = Lukewarm
Prediction: Becky Lynch wins.

Thoughts: Points for making this an Extreme Rules match. That’s at least not doing the repeat generic match concept. But it doesn’t reach Hot levels because I just expect this to mostly be a kendo sticks type of match and not anything super fantastic. Stratton isn’t winning that title back, either, so there isn’t too much intrigue here. I’m frankly more interested in what’s going to happen with the NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament in comparison.

“Dirty” Dominik Mysterio (c) vs. Trick Williams
* Special Guest Referee Dragon Lee *

Heat Index = Hot
Prediction: Dominik Mysterio wins.

Thoughts: This one has me intrigued. The whole Mustafa Ali storyline was convoluted for the past few months. When they switched over to Dom, instead of the Wes Lee vs Mustafa Ali vs Tyler Bate thing, that Dragon Lee somehow got into, and then, Dragon Lee was feuding with Dom, but he’s STILL feuding with Dom despite having lost matches, and then, Trick’s just randomly inserted here…but Lee is special guest referee? Huh? Dom did a fast count to help Ali and then started feuding with him. Lee can’t really do a fast count to help Dom. But is he going to do one for Trick? That makes Trick look weak, particularly after he just fell into the pin to win this title shot in the first place. All of this confusion has pique my curiosity. I could definitely see Trick winning the title, but since that’s a little too easy, and this storyline has been far from a straight line, I’m going with Dom somehow retaining to set up Trick being upset. Maybe Lee gets taken out of the match somehow by either Trick accidentally or Dom on purpose, and that sets up Dom vs Lee in one more match.

Noam Dar vs. Butch

Heat Index = Lukewarm
Prediction: Butch wins.

Thoughts: Give the cup to Butch. I like Noam Dar, but I doubt he’s going to do anything with it that we haven’t already seen. Having Butch on NXT for a while helps with that main roster pull for the ratings, especially since Ali and Dana Brooke are gone now. Plus, Butch can drop it to Charlie Dempsey, whereas who would be the next in line if it stays on Dar?

Baron Corbin vs. Bron Breakker

Heat Index = Hot
Prediction: Bron Breakker wins.

Thoughts: Had they not done the injury angle with Von Wagner, I would think he would interfere in this and cost Breakker. That could still happen, mind you. But since they made it seem like he would be out for a long while, I don’t think Wagner’s stepping in here. Breakker just wins outright, I guess, since Corbin’s mostly there to put people over rather than be the focal point himself. They’ve done enough to sell me on this match by having their verbal shots turn into backstage brawls.

Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo (c) vs. The Creed Brothers vs. Los Lotharios vs. OTM

Heat Index = Temperate
Prediction: Tony D’Angelo and Stacks wins.

Thoughts: Well, I wouldn’t say this is my favorite lineup for a Fatal 4-Way in the tag team division, but it’ll be worth a segment. It speaks volumes that they didn’t think Los Lotharios were interesting enough on their own to get a solo title shot, and that they’re fans enough of OTM to immediately put them into the title picture. Maybe that means OTM wins? I don’t think it would be The Creed Brothers or Angel and Humberto. But I’m going to stick with Tony D and Stacks retaining because it could go to the other teams in a 2-on-2 match down the line. Now can we talk about that food they were eating? Madon!

Blair Davenport vs. Kelani Jordan

Heat Index = Freezing
Prediction: Blair Davenport wins.

Thoughts: Yeah…nobody cares. Sorry girls. This is a pre-show match that shouldn’t even be on the card. They didn’t even bother to announce it on NXT. It came out after the episode on social.

How excited am I for the event as a whole?

Heat Index = Hot

Thoughts: Overall, this has potential to be not only a fun set of matches (generally speaking), but also some title changes that could alter the landscape. I’m down for that type of an event. It’s not the best lineup I’ve ever seen, nor will it compare to TakeOver events in the past or anything of that ilk, but it’ll likely do its job.

What do you think is going to happen at WWE NXT NO MERCY? Which matches are you most excited to see? Keep the discussion going in the comments below!

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