Taz tweeted the following photo, showing himself backstage with MJF at the AEW Dynamite TV tapings. As previously reported, Taz returned and called the “AEW Dark” broadcast. The show will air next week:
Kid might be a prodigy but he still a l asshole. @The_MJF #AEWDynamite pic.twitter.com/1AvPvzuP2t
— TAZ (@OfficialTAZ) October 16, 2019
Whatever 🙄 https://t.co/J3T3UphilY
— Maxwell Jacob Friedman™️ (@The_MJF) October 16, 2019
The Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, PA tweeted out the following, thanking AEW after Tuesday night’s Dynamite taping:
The Philly debut of @AEWonTNT couldn't have gone any better! Thank you to all of the fans for packing the house and making it LOUD! #AEWDynamite #AEWPhiladelphia pic.twitter.com/S9s7zJigBD
— The Liacouras Center (@LiacourasCenter) October 17, 2019