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ResultsDYNAMITEAEW Dynamite Results for August 27, 2020

AEW Dynamite Results for August 27, 2020



The Young Bucks vs. The Natural Nightmares

The Young Bucks win with the BTE Trigger.

Winners: The Young Bucks

Best Friends vs. The Young Bucks

Matt gets rolled up after Hangman Page grabs Nick’s foot, preventing a break-up of the pin.

Winner: Best Friends

FTR vs. Best Friends

Harwood makes Taylor tap out with the kneebar.

Winner: FTR

Darby Allin (with thumbtacks still in his back walks down a road with a paper mask of Ricky Starks on. Allin climbs up on top of a bridge and then leaps off and down into the river. “You really think I’m afraid of you, Ricky? I’ll show you I’m not afraid of anything.”

Casino Battle Royale announced for All Out. Darby Allin and Lance Archer are announced for the match. Winner gets a future AEW World Championship match.

Lance Archer vs. Sean Maluta 

Archer wins by throwing Sean’s face to the mat multiple times.

Winner: Lance Archer

Post-match, Roberts talks about the upcoming Casino Battle Royale. He says the other men think they have a shot, but they don’t. Archer is going to be the one walking out and he needs to wipe that one loss off his record. He asks Archer if they can throw out 20 guys. Archer says as fast as they step in, they are going out because everybody dies. Taz comes out to the ring with Brian Cage and Ricky Starks, announcing both his guys are in the match and one of them are going to win. Darby Allin’s music hits and he skateboards to the ring. Allin immediately goes for Starks and hits him with a dropkick. They end up brawling to the back. Roberts holds back Archer and tells him right now is not the time for Cage.

– Backstage, MJF wearing a neck brace and using a walker, makes his way to the ring. MJF feels like one of his campaign guys are laughing at him. MJF says he better not! MJF slowly makes his way to the ring for tonight’s contract signing

– Hype video for AEW Women’s World Champion Hikaru Shida vs. Thunder Rosa at All Out. We see clips of Rose winning a title in NWA. Billy Corgan does a voice over saying fans will be surprised by her in-ring work and her unbelievable charisma. Shida and Rosa have a quick face-off for the contract signing for their match at All Out.

Post-match, Roberts talks about the upcoming Casino Battle Royale. He says the other men think they have a shot, but they don’t. Archer is going to be the one walking out and he needs to wipe that one loss off his record. He asks Archer if they can throw out 20 guys. Archer says as fast as they step in, they are going out because everybody dies. Taz comes out to the ring with Brian Cage and Ricky Starks, announcing both his guys are in the match and one of them are going to win. Darby Allin’s music hits and he skateboards to the ring. Allin immediately goes for Starks and hits him with a dropkick. They end up brawling to the back. Roberts holds back Archer and tells him right now is not the time for Cage.

– Backstage, MJF wearing a neck brace and using a walker, makes his way to the ring. MJF feels like one of his campaign guys are laughing at him. MJF says he better not! MJF slowly makes his way to the ring for tonight’s contract signing

– Hype video for AEW Women’s World Champion Hikaru Shida vs. Thunder Rosa at All Out. We see clips of Rose winning a title in NWA. Billy Corgan does a voice over saying fans will be surprised by her in-ring work and her unbelievable charisma. Shida and Rosa have a quick face-off for the contract signing for their match at All Out.

MJF refers to “crazy, one trick pony” Jon Moxley, but MJF says he may have been wrong about the champ. He’s good, real good, an actual bad ass. MJF brings up Mike Tyson being backstage at one show and saying he wouldn’t want to be in a dark ally with Moxley. MJF says at All Out they won’t be in an ally, they will be in a professional match, and that’s where Moxley is in danger because MJF is a wrestling prodigy. MJF says he will pinpoint Moxley’s weakness and use every aspect of the ring to his advantage.

MJF says Moxley will want him in his territory — the stairs, near tables, and guardrails. MJF continues that Moxley just studied guys like Sandman, New Jack, and Onita. “You know, Jon, hot garbage.” MJF says he studies Buddy Rogers and the Tully Blanchard’s of the world. MJF says after the PPV he’ll hold the title. Unless Moxley isn’t man enough to beat him without the paradigm shift, and if that’s the case “maybe you should tell that hot, little wife of yours that I’m single.” Moxley stands up, the lawyer tells him to keep his palms on the table, or he’ll sue. Moxley calls the lawyer a “d— wad” and tells him to sit down. Moxley sits back down, says MJF is just forcing him to get creative.

All the ways he could snap a limb or choke the air out of him. Moxley says he’ll sign the contract. He says to remember two things, nothing MJF says, matters, and nothing Moxley signs, matters. He tells MJF on September 5, he’s a dead man. Moxley signs it and MJF is super happy about it. They laugh at Moxley for signing. Moxley then says he couldn’t believe MJF agreed to page 17. MJF and his lawyer say there is only 16 pages. On the 17th page it says next week it will be Moxley versus MJF’s lawyer. If he doesn’t show up, then MJF doesn’t get his title match. Paradigm shift will be completely legal.

– Backstage, Santana and Ortiz talks to Best Friends about only asking for some lame apology after they destroyed Trent’s mom’s van. Ortiz says they will apologize that their mom wasn’t in the van when they destroyed it.

Backstage, Eddie Kingston says everyone on the internet is talking about Kingston’s group being a stable. Kingston says these guys are his people, they are about championships and that’s what he’s going to show them.

The Butcher, The Blade and The Lucha Brothers vs. Griff Garrison, Sonny Kiss, Joey Janela and Brian Pillman Jr. 

The Lucha Brothers hit the double stomp piledriver on Pillman for the win.

Winners: The Butcher, the Blade and The Lucha Brothers

The Dark Order head out with a casket and Evil Uno says the group has been on cloud nine since last week. The group did a lot of spending since last week. They say the celebration is as much for Lee’s title win as it is for taking out Cody. They open the casket and a man is in there with a Nightmare Family jacket over his face. It’s just Ten in there, he gets out and Uno says The Nightmare Family is dead and gone. The new prince is Brodie Lee! Lee heads out with Anna Jay. He then goes to Shiavone and tells him to go to the ring for an interview.

Lee tells Tony not too long ago all the people in the group were being laughed at because of people like Tony. Lee says he was in “prison” back then because of people like him. Lee says they have buried The Nightmare Family, no more open challenge, no more indie talent getting TV time. Lee then officially introduces “The Queen Slayer” Anna Jay as the newest official member. John Silver then jumps on the mic and says Lee is the man! Lee slaps him to the mat, “someone pick this little s— up.” Lee says Dark Order is the hottest act in wrestling, he’s the hottest champion right now, and nobody can do anything about it.

Dustin and QT come out to attack the group, but don’t get much offense in. Scorpio Sky then jumps in the ring and looks to Lee for a moment, says a few things. Jay ends up slapping Sky, Lee knocks him down from behind and parto f the group heads to the back. Evil Uno lingers behind to celebrate some more. Matt Cardona runs out and drops him. Cardona then clears out the rest of Dark Order with Sky, Dustin, and QT. Lee comes back out to see what was going on and yells at the group in the ring while holding up his title.

Dasha finds Hangman Page at the bar to ask why he cost Young Bucks the match. Matt and Nick asked why, wondered if he’s afraid to face them again. Matt says they wanted a friend, and he was good enough to be that this whole time. Matt says Page is nothing but a drunk, he smacks the drink in Page’s face. Matt says every siince November they’ve hung onto something that doesn’t excsist, “You’re out of The Elite. You’re done. Matt slams the door, the mirror cracked and Page looks at himself in the broken mirror.

Big Swole vs. Britt Baker, Reba and Penelope Ford – Handicap Match

Reba hits Ford with a crutch shot to the face when the ref wasn’t looking and Swole wins.

Winner: Big Swole

Matt Hardy vs. Sammy Guevara – Tables Match

Sammy superplexes Matt through a table for the win.

Winner: Sammy Guevara

– Post-match, Orange Cassidy runs out and attacks Jericho at commentary. Jim and Tony move as the two battle their way towards the stage. Superman punch by Cassidy. Referees trying to break things up, but aren’t having much luck. Jericho gets in a few shots, as well, as the show comes to a close.

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