Sunday, September 22, 2024
NewsAEWEric Bischoff - 'MJF Is A Superstar, He Is A Classic Heel...

Eric Bischoff – ‘MJF Is A Superstar, He Is A Classic Heel In The Modern Era’



WWE Hall of Famer Eric Bischoff has lavished praise on MJF for his work as a heel and feels he may not be quite as entertaining as a babyface in AEW.

During a recent appearance on the AEW All In 2024 reaction show, Bischoff shared his thoughts on MJF’s brilliant portrayal of a heel character on AEW programming.

You can check out the highlights from the interview below:

On MJF: “I think MJF is a superstar. He is a classic heel in the modern era and has made that transition really well. He’s got the psychology, and it’s just part of him. It’s not something he’s learned or studied. Perhaps he studied, perhaps he’s watched films and studied other heels. But it comes very naturally to him, and I think he did a freaking outstanding job [at All In]. He put on a clinic as a heel. He really did.”

On MJF not rushing things in his matches: “He doesn’t rush. Here’s what happens when you’re a performer, not just with me as a personal, but also with the hundreds of people that I’ve directed, maybe more than that, over the course of 30-plus years. When you get somebody who’s really confident in themselves and in their character, they’re comfortable with the character that they’re playing on television, right? They tend to take their time. They’re in no hurry. They’re having fun with the character. But I say fun, they’re enjoying the process of bringing that character to life. But when you have confidence in yourself as a performer and feel a true relationship with your character, you tend not to rush. You tend to be very natural. And people will look at your performance and go, ‘Wow, what a great actor, what a great actress.’ Or, ‘Wow, he was just born with a gift. He’s so much different than anybody else.’ He or she is different than everybody else if they’re confident in themselves and their character, but it’s not unattainable for everybody. Well, not everybody’s cut out to be a character.

“But I think with MJF, the magic in MJF from day one is he — you’ve heard me talk about this on 83 Weeks years ago. A lot of people who portray heels are not comfortable being a heel. They’re doing it because it’s their job, and they know it’s their job, and they’re doing it willingly. I’m not suggesting that people are doing it against their will. I am suggesting that some people love being a heel. Most people don’t. You’re taught from a young age that you want to do things and make people like you. Be polite, be courteous, treat others as you would want to be treated. Help old ladies walk across the street. Say please, say Thank you. Yes sir, no sir. All the stuff you’re taught is a very young child that carries over through the rest of your life. It is unnatural for people to enjoy people hating you. But those who do take their time with it because they love it, and I think that’s it. You know, maybe MJF has studied improv. Maybe he studied acting. Maybe he’s a method actor for all I know, I don’t know, I don’t talk to him. But by watching his performance, I think it all comes down to the fact that he loves being a heel.”

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