Former WWE and Impact Wrestling star Alberto El Patron (Alberto Del Rio) is looking for blood donations for his ex-wife, the mother of his children. Patron posted a video on Twitter asking for help. He said,
“The mother of my children is in very delicate health. Please, if you are in CDMX, help us help Angela. We URGENTLY need multiple blood donors and platelet donors who can go to Hospital San Jose Satellite SA of CV in CDMX. Contact: +1-210-849-5640”
La madre de mis hijos está muy delicada de salud. Por favor, si están en CDMX, ayúdennos a ayudar a Ángela. Necesitamos con URGENCIA múltiples donantes de sangre y donantes de plaquetas que puedan ir al Hospital San Jose Satellite S.A. of C.V en CDMX.
Contacto: +1-210-849-5640
— Alberto El Patron (@PrideOfMexico) April 28, 2022