On a recent edition of the Wrestling Perspective Podcast, former AEW competitor Bobby Fish gave his thoughts on the state of tag team wrestling in AEW, as well as what event he feels should be booked in order to better utilize them.

Highlights, courtesy of Wrestling Inc. follow:
On what sort of programs he thinks would do well for AEW: “As far as the vision like I really felt like there was room in that AEW run for a Crockett Cup-style pay-per-view. I think tag team wrestling is so overlooked that I believe fans would have really enjoyed the difference, the juxtaposition if you will, that it would have been to have a tag team main event, a tag team — you know pretty much through – like, tournament.”
On who he thinks would be the best teams to use for such an event: “I really feel like we have such a variety of teams, like the ones that you named. There’s more, there is Trent and Rocky, Trent and Dustin, whatever combination you want to put together with those guys. I mean the list — Butcher and the Blade, yeah. I mean it goes on and on. I really felt like that was money kind of left on the table and it’s unfortunate. So, I do feel like that; I would have liked to have seen that kind of come through a little bit better than it did.”
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