WWE Superstar Bray Wyatt tweeted out a message directed at former WWE Superstar CM Punk yesterday. The tweet features a photo from Punk and Wyatt’s feud in 2013. Wyatt notes in his caption that the late Brodie Lee (aka Luke Harper) would hate to see the two fighting. Wyatt commented, “Brodie would hate to see us fighting.”
Last week, CM Punk and Wyatt seemed to have a joking exchange on Twitter. Wyatt quoted The Joker with a photo of Orton readying to punt kick Wyatt when he was still Husky Harris. In response, Punk stated that he hoped Wyatt had forgiven him for the whipping incident around the same time.
Brodie would hate to see us fighting. 🖤 pic.twitter.com/oBvwlpnpDJ
— Bray Wyatt (@WWEBrayWyatt) March 29, 2021