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NewsBrian Gewirtz Answers Whether He Would Write For Wrestling Today

Brian Gewirtz Answers Whether He Would Write For Wrestling Today



During a recent appearance on Busted Open Radio, former WWE creative team writer Brian Gewirtz discussed whether he could see himself writing wrestling content today.

Gewirtz is the author of There’s Just One Problem…True Tales from the Former; One-Time, 7th Most Powerful Person In WWE. He began writing for WWE in 1999 and worked with the company until 2015.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

Brian Gewirtz on if he could still write for wrestling today: “It’s like working a muscle, a little bit. Your promo muscle, as a writer, in terms of getting into the swing of things again. ‘Cause I’ve had, occasionally, some talent at WWE give me a call and say ‘Hey, what’s a good line I can say to this person?’ Not often, but every now and then. … And then I start thinking about it, and then that muscle starts, you know, working again. And then all of a sudden I’ve written like a 10-minute promo and I’m sending it to the person.”

Gewirtz on usually showing up for The Rock’s wrestling appearances: “In fact, I’m going to ‘Raw’ in Brooklyn on Monday because I’m gonna be back in New York because of [the] … Black Adam premiere. Whenever I show up to WWE nowadays, the first response from everybody is ‘Oh my God, is The Rock here?’”

On if he’d ever return to wrestling: “It never truly leaves my psyche or goes away. … I don’t ever really envision myself in that position as a job again but, you know, as they say in the wrestling business, ‘you never say never.’”

Do you think Brian Gewirtz would ever come back to writing for wrestling? Sound off in the comments section below, and follow eWn on our Twitter and Facebook pages.

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