I truly begin to wonder if Brock Lesnar is the ultimate heel of the WWE. After the streak was over he got lots and lots of hate, and even death threats on Twitter. But on Raw, Paul Heyman introduced Cesaro as the new client, and the crowd cheered for Paul Heyman. I doubt that Brock Lesnar can be the ultimate bad guy, if his manager and his so called ‘stable member’ Cesaro are cheered on a weekly basis.
Brock Lesnar bat the streak and practically ruined everything that the streak meant to us the fans. I personally think that The Undertaker should have never lost at Mania, so that when he retires, we at least have something to remember him by. Even if the streak was meant to be broken, I thought they would make a big deal out of it, with like Taker ‘resting in peace’ (anyone who seen his casket match with Yokozuna in 1994, knows what I am talking about), and lights going off and stuff like that. But in reality, we probably had the worst ending of the streak possibly. A lousy match, in which both man tried now to harm each other, and Brock Lesnar trying to hit Undertaker very carefully, almost hugging him. And in the end the streak ending came out of the blue, and The Undertaker had the worst send off in professional wrestling to date. In my opinion it was just plain terrible.
And I get to hear some fan screaming to The Undertaker ‘You Suck!’. Brock Lesnar might be a big bad ass and a former UFC Heavyweight Champion, but I don’t really think that he is the ultimate bad guy. Not even close. Triple H, Stone Cold, Kane. Now those are names of people who were ultimate bad guys, not Brock Lesnar.