Bruce Prichard recently spoke with Kevin Eck of Press Box Online while promoting his upcoming “Something To Wrestle LIVE” show at Jimmy’s Famous Seafood in Baltimore on June 4th. Here are the highlights.
On his current role with Impact Wrestling:
“I’m strictly a talent. If they ask me my opinion on stuff, I’ve always been one to not sugarcoat things [laughs]. [Impact Wrestling chief creative officer Jeff Jarrett] and I have always been friendly. He reached out and asked if I would be interested in coming in and being who I am on the podcast. It was an opportunity to plug the podcast and be able to plug my stuff, so I jumped at the opportunity to do it. I don’t have to worry about the behind-the-scenes stuff and everybody else’s problems. For me, that’s a big plus.”
On the ongoing changes in Impact Wrestling:
“Well, it’s not going to change overnight, first of all. But I do believe that if given an opportunity, you may see an alternative to what is already out there. Come mid-late July and August, I think you’ll start to see some changes, and hopefully they’re going to be for the positive. Anything that is an alternative to what is already out there is a good thing. Competition and diversity is good for the product.”
On how he started his Something To Wrestle podcast after not wanting to do one:
“I didn’t. I absolutely refused to do one. Conrad Thompson, my co-host, is a good friend of mine. We work together doing mortgages. We were talking one night and somehow we got to talking about The Radicalz [Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn], and I just told him the story of bringing all those guys in [from WCW to WWE] and all the craziness that ensued. He just looked at me and said, “Man, this is a podcast.” I said, “That’ll never happen.” But he kept on me and kept on me. I finally said I’ll try it, but I don’t want to do guests. I didn’t want to have to try and track 52 people down a year. I said we’ll pick a topic and I’ll just tell stories about it. And we did. They told us if we can just get to 20,000 downloads, that’ll be great and maybe we’ll make a little bit of money. Our first show did 61.000, and we’ve grown from there.”