Sunday, July 7, 2024
NewsChris Jericho Talks Wishing He’d Had Long Feud With The Undertaker, Reinventing...

Chris Jericho Talks Wishing He’d Had Long Feud With The Undertaker, Reinventing Himself



Chris Jericho discussed a wide range of topics while doing a recent interview on Gresh & Keefe.

On wrestlers he wishes he could’ve feuded with: 

“I think the Hart brothers for sure. I’m talking about Bret Hart or Owen Hart. Both of those guys I never got to wrestle. Owen passed away before I got into WWE, and I wasn’t at the level to wrestle Bret before he got injured before his career was done. But I think with our backgrounds and kind of growing up in the same area and training the same way, those would have been a couple of really classic feuds. The other one is The Undertaker. I worked him a few times and we always had great matches, but we just never really had a long feud.”

On reinventing himself:

“It all comes from David Bowie basically. Not that I’m a Bowie fanatic and know every song he’s ever written, but the whole concept I’m very influenced by – or The Beatles, for example – they were always changing and evolving. You never knew what you were gonna get next. I think for me, it all started in the early 2000s when there was a lot of action figures being made. I realized every time I put on a new costume or had a new hair style or beard, they’d make a new action figure for it. That’s more royalties and money in your pocket, so I was just changing every week. Then, any time you turn from heel to babyface or vice versa, you have to change it up and let people know there’s something different going on. Any time I changed companies, I would change it up so people would see it was different. I didn’t want to be the same guy relying on nostalgia or look over and over again…..I don’t ever want to be a nostalgia act. If I’m gonna continue to do this after 30 years, there has to be elements to keep me ahead of the game rather than playing catch up. You won’t last that way.”

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