Saturday, October 12, 2024
NewsD-Lo Brown Talks About Mauro Ranallo Coming To Impact, Rebellion PPV &...

D-Lo Brown Talks About Mauro Ranallo Coming To Impact, Rebellion PPV & More



Impact Wrestling’s own D-Lo Brown was interviewed by Wrestling Epicenter where he talked about former WWE and MMA play-by-play analyst Mauro Ranallo coming to Impact to call the main event between Kenny Omega and Rich Swann, among other topics listed below:

On his new role as an announcer: “It is new. It is a challenge. But, it is one that I’ve embraced. Every week, I get to sit next to a guy that I consider a friend in Matt Striker. We’re two guys who are wrestling fans who get to talk about what we love! What could be better than that?”

On delivering the commentary in a different way than Josh Mathews had for Impact for years: “I think so and I hope so. We’re trying to do bring kind of a more sports, kind of combative approach to it as opposed to just calling the action which you can see right in front of you. We’re trying to bring a different flavor to it. We’re trying to be a desk like there is nowhere else in wrestling. I think we’re kind of finding our niche with that and are a unique announce desk.”

On if working with the talent prior to being an announcer has helped to call their matches: “Absolutely! When you know the talent and you can go talk to them and they’re very open about what they’re thinking or what their strategy is, it gives you a little insight. It is easy to get that information and then I can go and convey that on television. It is amazing the access that I have and that I get to do this. My time on the other side has really opened the doors up for talent to trust me and to communicate with me.”

On Mauro Ranallo getting involved with Impact Wrestling and working Rebellion: “I think it is amazing! I’ve said it before but I’m looking forward to sitting under the learning tree. I’m going to pick his brain about everything that I can. He is one of the most recognizable voices in all of combat sports. Just that little bit of time of calling live action with him, I’m going to take in every aspect of it and hopefully can use it going forward.”

On Impact Wrestling having a working relationship with AEW: “It is amazing. It is knocking down invisible walls and allowing fans to have dream match ups that you would have never thought possible a calendar year ago. Classic example, we have Rich Swann and Kenny Omega coming in as Champion and at the end, one man is going to represent two companies as its World Champion. Something like that hasn’t happened in professional wrestling in 40 or 50 years. Yet, here we are about to present it live on pay-per-view on Sunday. Right now is an incredible time for wrestling! People are starting to talk about wrestling again. It is beneficial for all. And, for these companies to work together? It is just amazing!”

On what matches he’s looking forward to most at Rebellion aside from the main event: “I’ve got 2! Tenille and Deonna Purrazzo for the Knockouts Title. These are two women who can flat out wrestle. They can go! And, I’m looking forward to the X Division 3 Way. I think that match could steal the show. I like any combination of these 3 let alone all 3 in the ring together. I think Josh Alexander, TJP, and Ace Austin could turn this show on its ear!”

On the Josh Alexander and TJP match from last week’s Impact: “Yes! If you asked what was my favorite match to call, I could call matches like that all day! That match was amazing!”

On who he would like to see in Impact from the recent WWE releases: “I could guarantee it is not me! (laughs) You know, that is a big question that is on the top of everyone’s minds right now. I will let those decisions be made by the office and the people in charge. Whoever walks out of that curtain, I will happily call their match and talk about them in the best possible way that I can.”

On having heat with some fans for not bringing back Aces and Eights as teased last year: “(laughs) A lot of people said that. “Why didn’t you bring it back? Why did you tease that?” Aces and Eights are like the wind. They’re there but you can’t see them. But, they’re always around you. You never know when they’re going to show up!”

On the possibility of having a live crowd again soon: “Yeah, it is sorely missed! Wrestling is the ultimate improve sport. From the wrestlers to the producers to the commentators… We thrive on that instant gratification of hearing the response from the audience and that constant chorus of interaction back and forth. It is sorely missed! I can’t wait until the world is right and we can get back in front of people again. It has been way too long. Over a year… Atlanta, Georgia, last year was our last live show in front of a crowd. Boy, I didn’t realize how much I would miss it until I didn’t have it. Now I can’t wait until the day that we’re back out in front of people!”

On choosing the right words to avoid divisiveness in the Impact and AEW relationship: “You’ve got to watch your step sometimes! But, the great thing about what I do is I get to just go out and talk. We get to say what is on our mind. Obviously, I’m going to waive the flag of Impact because that is my home and is where my heart is. But, I’m also going to mention that there is another company out there that is wanting to come in and take our World Championship and wanting to come in and take over our locker room. I know the pride that is in our locker room. They’re going to stand up and show AEW that we’re not to be messed with. We’re not someone you can just steamroll over because you think you’re bigger and better. Impact has got a lot to offer. Case and point, we’re Hard to Kill! And, that is for a reason!”

On what it would mean to have Kenny Omega defeat Rich Swann and capture Impact’s World Title for AEW: “That is a scary thought. That is literally like taking your King in a game of chess. That is game over right there. I shutter to think of Kenny Omega representing Impact Wrestling as World Champion. It would change a lot of things. It would mean a lot to the business. I guarantee it would get a lot of people talking! No matter what happens in this match, the world is going to be talking about wrestling again! Some negative, some positive. But, at least the world will be talking about wrestling again!”

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