On the most recent edition of Eric Bischoff’s podcast; Bischoff On Wrestling, the former Monday Night RAW GM made it clear that WWE has to stop being so committed to an certain outcome or decision. Bischoff thoroughly elaborated on his statement & you can check that out below:
Bischoff:“When I’ve worked with people on the creative side of things I tell them, “This is more of an art than it is a science.” While there is a WWE formula; what it really comes down to is that you’ve got to keep an open enough mind to feel what the audience is reacting to. If you get so committed to a certain direction and outcome and if you see SummerSlam at the end of your creative horizon. If you see the outcome that you have in mind for SummerSlam and come hell or high water, you’re going to get to that destination. What you are probably going to miss along the way is great opportunities. If you’re so focused on one outcome, you don’t see the potential of others and perhaps.”
“I hope for Joe’s sake this is one of those situations where regardless of whatever they thought they were going to do with Braun or Roman, not to take anything away from both of those guys because I am a big fan of both. If all of a sudden Samoa Joe comes from out of left field, even if he was just designed to be a stepping stone but the audience is reacting to it then… damn son! Shift gears, take that exit, see what’s on the other side of it because it might be better than the original destination.”