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NewsImpact Wrestling Results - 4/6/17

Impact Wrestling Results – 4/6/17



Welcome to the Impact Wrestling Results Page. Please on spoilers.

Eli Drake def Caleb Konley. No entrances Caleb Konley was on the top rope and got distracted and Eli Drake hit a superplex and then a new finisher that is similar to White Noise for the three count.

Josh and JB are arguing. Josh says JB has a face made for standard definition. JB says he’s gonna knock Josh out. They argue and Bruce Prichard comes out and orders them into the ring to fix the issues. JB says Josh shouldn’t be compared to Jim Ross, but Bob Ross. Prichard orders both of them to choose teams and next week, winner remains announcer.

Commercial Break

Knockouts Gauntlet Match

Madison Rayne and Ava start it off. Rebel comes out. Her and Madison argue about who’s gonna eliminate Ava. Amanda Rodriguez is out. She and Ava are battling. The ring is filling up with KO’s now as MJ Jenkins is out. She is taking women down left and right. Madison is hiding in the corner. Diamonte is out next. She stomps down on Amanda and hits a dropkick in the corner. Rebel eliminates Amanda as ODB makes her way out. She piles all the women in a corner and hits an avalanche. She eliminates Ava. Brandi Rhodes is the last Knockout to enter this match.

Brandi eliminates Diamonte. MJ Jenkins eliminates Rebel. Jenkins takes all the KO’s down, except for Madison who is still on the outside. Brandi and ODB work together to eliminate MJ Jenkins. Madison sneaks back in and eliminates Brandi. It’s down to Madison Rayne and ODB and the battle royal turns into a one fall match. Madison has ODB in the corner and she taunts her. ODB hits an avalanche and a TKO for the three count.

Winner, and New Knockout’s #1 Contender: ODB

Commercial Break

James Storm is in the ring. He cuts a promo about getting back in the ass kicking business. Kingston and Bram come out. Kingston calls him a liar. They go back and forth and Kingston spits in James Storm’s face. Storm takes him out with the Last Call. Bram goes to hit him with the chair but stops. James offers his hand but Bram swings the chair. Storm ducks and hits the Last Call.

Andrew Everett def Suicide and Marshe Rocket to remain in contention for a shot at the X Division Title. Very good match with great work from all three competitors. The finish came when Suicide laid out Marshe with an ensiguri and Everett hit a Pele’ kick to Suicide. He then hit the Shooting Star Press onto Rockett for the three count.

Commercial Break

Davey Richards vs Eddie Edwards – Last Man Standing Match

Davey Richards makes his way to the ring. Eddie Edwards attacks him from behind at ringside. They battle on the outside and into the crowd. Edwards missed an over the gate splash. In the ring, Richards has a chair and presses it down on his throat. Angelina Love puts chairs into the ring and Richards took time to make out with her. Edwards hit a powerbomb onto the two chairs. Edwards sends more chairs into the ring. He throws a chair into the face of Richards. Edwards goes under the ring and brings in more chairs and beats Richards down again.

Edwards piles the chairs up in the ring. He climbs the ropes but Angelina grabs his foot. Richards throws a chair at Edwards head. Both men on the top rope. Richards delivers a superplex from the top rope onto the pile of chairs. Both men landed hard. Alicia Edwards is at ringside. Angelina hands Richards a chain. Richards punches Edwards with the chain twice and starts choking him. Edwards fights back and hits him with a running splash into the corner with a chair. He hangs Richards upside down in the corner and sets chairs up against him and delivers a running dropkick. He sets Richards head onto a chair and delivers a double stomp onto Richards. Edwards stops the count. Angelina attacks Edwards but Alicia comes in for the save and they battle outside.

Richards turns the table and hits Edwards down with a chair. He wraps the chain around his boot. Angelina, after throwing Alicia into the guard rail, holds Edwards. Richards is having second thoughts but Angelina grabs his hand and puts it on her chest. She then kisses him and tells him to do it for her. Richards delivers a vicious kick to Edwards with the chain around his boot. Edwards is down for the ten count.

Winner: Davey Richards

Commercial Break

Alberto El Patron def a jobber in a squash match. After the match, Patron cut a promo on Lashley.

Backstage, McKenzie interviews Allie and Braxton. KM and Sienna interrupt. Sutter and KM start pushing each other and Karen Jarrett breaks it up and announces a mixed tag match next week.

Commercial Break

Announcers Draft their team for next week’s match.

Josh picks first and he chooses Lashley. JB picks El Patron. Josh’s second pick is Bram. JB’s second pick is Chris Adonis. Josh’s third pick is Eli Drake. Tyrus comes out with Eli. Bruce Prichard tries to send him away but Josh interrupts and says this is his team. He then tells them to attack JB’s team. They attack and and beat down Adonis and El Patron. Among the chaos, JB announces his third team member and it’s Matt Morgan. Morgan cleans house of Josh’s team. He and Lashley face off. Backstage, a limo pulls up and someone steps out. We don’t see his face but he enters the Impact Zone and he’s JB’s fourth team member as the show goes off the air.


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