During a recent appearance on Tommy Dreamer’s House of Hardcore podcast, Impact Wrestling Superstar Acey Romero announced that he tested positive for COVID-19 at the beginning of this month. He noted that he had some pretty bad symptoms for a few days, saying,
“I tested positive about 11 days ago. I feel I’m pretty lucky because I only had three bad days and one really bad day where I felt the grim reaper was coming for me. The extent of things I’m going through is fevers, I haven’t had a fever in like five years. It was like 102, 103 fever. Body aches, trouble breathing. My breathing is not the worst, but not the best. I have a personal trainer and my cardio was really good, but now I walk up a flight of steps and I get blown up. I’m nervous to get back in the gym. Someone told me I’m going through the worst of it, I just have to get through it. I’m in good spirits. Every day since Wednesday, I’m getting better. I can’t taste or smell right now. Hopefully, that comes back and my breathing regulates to be more normal to where it was. Other than that, I consider myself very lucky because I know it could have gotten way worse.“
(h/t – Fightful)