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Jim Ross Comments On The State Of WWE’s Product

During an exclusive episode of Ask JR Live, Jim Ross talked about WWE’s current product. 

Ross stated that he thinks the product is stale due to the lack of youth on the big shows.

“I think, like a lot of people, they are under the impression that WWE is a little stale right now, they need some freshen up, some surprises,” Jim Ross said. “They’ve got to take a chance or take chances on providing opportunities for those that they believe are potentially a player. I signed a lot of talents but the high-priority recruiting pushes, and the negotiations, and all of that was on guys that I felt like at the time were WrestleMania card caliber.

“If you miss a little bit on that goal, you’ve still got a hell of a hand. It all stems at the top, who’s calling the plays? It all starts at the top and it’s so subjective that you’re not going to hit all the time and it’s so subjective, you’re not going to hit every time. As a matter of fact, you’re going to probably miss more than you’re going to hit. We were just lucky that in the Attitude Era that people finally still remembered because we had great talent.”

H/T to Wrestling Inc for the transcript

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