During a recent interview with Yahoo Sports, Kane commented on his transition from wrestling to mayor, and more. You can check out some highlights from the interview below:
On the difference in politics and wrestling: “I had initially decided I was never going to do it because unfortunately, elections and politics in general, it can be dark. Putting your family out there and that sort of thing. For me, I was already somewhat in the public eye, so that wasn’t that big of an adjustment as someone who isn’t. It is in a different way in WWE. We take our criticism, but in politics, people just want to say things for whatever reason. People always draw the comparison between me and Jesse Ventura, but we’re a lot different, our personalities are a lot different. I have a great amount of respect for Linda McMahon, but I knew my path was going to be different. I had to figure this out on my own. When the actual campaign started, that was completely different. I had to walk the line between using the wrestling stuff to open doors and get attention, but also have substance so people would go, ‘Oh, the guy is kind of smart, too.’ I couldn’t rely on the wrestling stuff to win the campaign, but we could use it to do some really neat stuff.”
On WWE’s support: “WWE has been very supportive of me. One of the first people I spoke to was Vince McMahon because professionally and personally, he’s been a very large part of my life. Throughout the campaign, they lessened my travel demands. They worked so hard to accommodate my schedule. Being mayor is my first priority and they worked to make sure it stayed that way. I’m very grateful. I want WWE to do well because I still have an interest in the company and in my friends who work there,” Jacobs said. “It’s a difficult job and it’s not glamorous. I remember one time, Taker and I, we were sitting in a roadside diner in Jefferson City, Missouri, on our way from St. Louis to Kansas City. It was like 2 o’clock in the morning and Mark looks at me and goes, ‘Ah, the glamour.’ I know what those men and women are going through, so I hope it goes really well.”