As reported here on eWn via the Wrestling Observer Newsletter (click here to read), it was said that while GFW & WWE talent were at a bar in Nashville in support of Jeff Hardy’s band having a CD release party, that Karen Jarrett & Braun Strowman got into an altercation. The word was that Jarrett approached Strowman about an autograph for her son and Strowman was very rude about it & basically told her off. Once Jarrett made Strowman aware that she was the mother of Kurt Angle’s child, Strowman quickly apologized & asked Karen to not say anything to Kurt.
During today’s GFW conference call with Karen Jarrett and two members of GFW’s Knockout division, Jarrett spoke on the rumors & gave her take on what really happened.
Check it out:
Jarrett: “Oh my goodness, I can clear the air. It was a silly incident where two people in the wrestling business were playing their characters; being silly and it got blown way out of proportion. The fact that it’s still in the news and it’s still being talked about, that’s a question that you took the time to ask I think is hysterical. It’s silliness, it’s the wrestling business, we had fun with it and somebody took it and turned it into something more than it was.”