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Ken Anderson Speaks Out – TNA Locker Room, World Title, More

Credit: The Baltimore Sun

Ken Anderson recently spoke about working for TNA. Here are the highlights…

On The TNA Locker Room: “You have a lot less criticism floating around in the locker (room). (Wrestlers) are happier now, they’re happier with what they’re doing, they’re happier with their storyline. Nothing is scripted like it used to be.”

On Looking For Another World Title Run: “There are thousands and thousands and thousands of wrestlers that have come through those doors and have never had the opportunity to hold that title. For the company to say, ‘You’re our guy’ is a huge carrot on an end of the stick.”

Here are additional highlights from the interview we posted yesterday:

On Being Fired By WWE: “It was a decision made by them. At first, being fired from any place is a punch in the stomach, but eventually when you get over that initial wave of the rejection and ‘What am I going to do now?’… I’m happy the way that things worked out because it led me to where I am at today. I’m happy where I am today, in my personal life and in my professional life. As far as the circumstances, I mean there are all kinds of conspiracies. The only people that really know what really happened are the big guys, the owners, and the guys that pull the trigger on situations.”

On The Decision To Sign With TNA: “It took a while [to decide to go to TNA]. It was not one of those things that I couldn’t wait till my 90 days was up so I could jump over. It was like nine months, almost a year, where it was talked about a little bit. At that point, I was kinda not done with the business but nice to step back and take some time off and re-evalute and figure out what I wanted to do.”

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