As seen during Monday’s WWE RAW broadcast, WWE debuted a new United States Championship. Dan Beltzer, who broke the story of the new design back in December, posted some additional details on the design. He said,
“It was 3d laser metal powder printed. Designed and produced by these guys. Wildcat did the paint and assembly. JR “Zilla Leather” did the strap.”
According to Beltzer, WWE has had new SmackDown tag-team titles made as well but they have not used them yet. The NXT title also appears to be getting a new look.
“They’ve had new SD tags since WM35 they haven’t used. NXT belt is being replaced with a larger version of the same design.”
It was 3d laser metal powder printed. Designed and produced by these guys. Wildcat did the paint and assembly. JR "Zilla Leather" did the strap.
— Dan Beltzer (@BeltFanDan) July 8, 2020
They've had new SD tags since WM35 they haven't used.
NXT belt is being replaced with a larger version of the same design.
— Dan Beltzer (@BeltFanDan) July 8, 2020