During a recent interview with Ariel Helwani, Randy Orton commented on the generation of wrestlers that came before him and how much he appreciates them, and more. You can check out some highlights from the interview below:
On his appreciation for the generation of wrestlers before him: “Growing up in the business and coming in when I came in, the guys that were in that locker room, and I love Undertaker – I don’t want to put my foot in my mouth here and say, ‘Oh back in my day, guys had guns and knives. Now they just play video games.’ I freakin’ love the video games and I love to go to the shooting range too. The way it was back then, this might be a younger Randy Orton’s point of view, these are all grown-ass men and the level of respect in there, depending on how many bumps you put your body through and how many miles you put your body through, that level of respect adjusted depending on which talent you were talking about, but everybody demanded respect. What I see a lot of now, guys don’t know or understand that if it wasn’t for the generation before us, there wouldn’t be an us. They don’t understand that the road was paved by guys like my dad driving 1,000-plus miles a week. We have a rough schedule. After the pandemic, of course, it got easier, but picking back up again. My hardest year, I think I wrestled 220 dates in one year. That was 2013. My father was wrestling eight, nine, ten times a week sometimes on the Indies. I was a kid living in a place for six months, driving to another territory, moving all our stuff, getting an apartment, living there for six months, my dad would work that territory.
On the level of respect dwindling between wrestlers in this era: “The amount of work he put in to pave the way for me to be able to do what I did, he did that for everybody. When I first came in the business, that level of respect was apparent. What I see now, guys get the contract, go put some time in NXT – and this isn’t everybody and I would never name any names. But the general attitude coming out of NXT is, ‘Alright, I’m here. Where is my stuff?’ You have to respect everybody that came before you. You have to respect everybody that you’re in there with. If I’m in the ring with you, I have to be able to know that you’re going to put my body first and you’re going to protect me in what you’re doing and you have to know that about me. With that comes respect. I just feel that sometimes, now, that level of respect has dwindled. If anything, that’s what’s upsetting to me as ‘an old timer.’ That level of respect is dwindling. I don’t think it’s malicious. I think you have guys that maybe weren’t fans of the business that found a sport that they excelled in, maybe have an appearance or a look, or an accolade that got them here, but now they don’t really get it.
“They don’t understand that when you’re so big, you don’t have to take any bumps because you’re the giant and you got that guy in the ring opposite you, bumping all over the place and wearing his body down to make you look like a giant. You owe him a steak dinner. You need to thank him every chance you get. If he needs a bag of ice after the match because he took all these big moves because you’re a big son of a bitch and he was trying to make you look like a killer, then you go get the ice for him. See if he’s okay. Check on him. I feel like guys take for granted how much we’re beating each other up because when you’re new and you start in this business, you’re fresh, you’re durable. It quickly adds up. I think guys take for granted how grueling this business can be, especially if you’re in it for the long haul. Taking care of each other, it’s like a band of brothers. When you can tell guys don’t get that or it’s not as much of a team player mentality and it’s more ‘me, me, me,’ there is a time and place for that. But when it’s all the time, that’s not a good look. When I can’t trust you to respect me enough to be thinking about my body and my health rather than you knocking my head off on live TV and making it look like you killed me, then we have a problem.”
(h/t – 411 Wrestling)