During a recent interview with Wrestle:List, Impact Wrestling owner; Jeff Jarrett, gave his thoughts on who he believes; truly owns the “Broken” gimmick (view by clicking here). Matt Hardy’s wife, Reby, caught eye of the interview Jarrett did & took to Twitter to let Jarrett know he was in the wrong.
Stop doing stupid interviews before I release your drunk texts & the DUI records that somehow haven't gotten out WAIT OOPS @RealJeffJarrett https://t.co/zmw14Y2QPF
— Reby Hardy (@RebyHardy) June 22, 2017
Truth is TNA can't afford to go to court over this, so they're going to downplay it to anyone who will listen & lie to look powerful
— Reby Hardy (@RebyHardy) June 22, 2017
Violation of ignition. Hot & fresh out the kitchen. pic.twitter.com/AT5YRHsjhW
— Reby Hardy (@RebyHardy) June 22, 2017