Categories ROH

**SPOILERS** From Thursday’s ROH TV Tapings In Duluth, GA (3/7/24)

Ring of Honor (ROH) held a set of TV tapings on Thursday night after the AEW Collision tapings from Duluth, GA.

You can check out the complete **SPOILER** results below:

* ROH Women’s TV Title Tournament: Billie Starkz def. Diamante.

* Lee Johnson def. Aaron Solo.

* Mercedes Martinez def. Abadon.

* Athena def. ????.

* Athena asked for someone to step up and face her at ROH Supercard of Honor. Hikaru Shida answered the challenge.

* Top Flight (Dante Martin, Darius Martin, & Action Andretti) def. Iron Savages (Bronson, Boudler, & Jacked Jameson).

* WorkHorsemen (JD Drake & Anthony Henry) def. Jacoby Watts & Nick Comoroto.

* Lance Archer def. Darian Benston.

* Kiera Hogan def. Robyn Renegade, Lady Frost and Leyla Hirsch.

* Komander def. Slim J, Jack Cartwheel and AR Fox.

* Orange Cassidy & Trent Beretta def. Cole Karter & Griff Garrison.

* Serpentico & Angelico try to attack Karter & Garrison.

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Andrew Ravens
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