Sammy Guevara’s Twitter account has been hacked, this according to his girlfriend Tay Conti.
Conti took to Twitter earlier today to announce that Guevara’s account has been hacked and he is waiting for Twitter to respond. She said,
“Hey guys Sammy’s got hacked!
Please don’t click on any links the account may send.
@TwitterSupport please help get the account back “@sammyguevara“
The top post on Guevara’s Twitter account is currently a spam post so it doesn’t appear he’s regained access to it just yet.
Hey guys Sammy’s got hacked!
Please don’t click on any links the account may send. @TwitterSupport please help get the account back “ @sammyguevara “
— TAYNARA MELO (@TayConti_) April 18, 2022