On Thursday night, All Elite Wrestling taped this Saturday night’s episode of Collision in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. You can check out the complete **SPOILER** results below:
* MJF def. Kip Morst. MJF cut a promo afterward talking shots at the fans and saying he would defend the World Title against anyone from Hamilton and beat them. Ethan Page came out and MJF said Page wasn’t on his level. Page slapped the mic out of MJF’s hand and cut a babyface promo, baiting MJF into a match.
* AEW World Championship Match: MJF def. Ethan Page.
* Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Match: Powerhouse Hobbs def. Dustin Rhodes.
* Miro def. Anthony Henry.
* Tony Schiavone interviewed Bullet Club Gold in an in-ring segment. They found out that they were barred from ringside for Juice Robinson vs. Ricky Starks, and White mocked the notion that CM Punk was the best in the world. He talked about Punk’s “bag” and said that when you wave gold in front of his face it is tantalizing. They said they were looking at taking FTR’s Tag Team Championship as well. Punk, Starks and FTR appeared on the Tron and Starks promised to beat Robinson.
* Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Match: Ricky Starks def. Juice Robinson. Bullet Club Gold surrounded Starks after but CM Punk and FTR made the save.
* AEW TBS Championship Match: Kris Statlander def. Lady Frost.
* Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Match: Samoa Joe def. Roderick Strong. Joe slammed Strong onto a chair after the match and CM Punk, who was on commentary, hit the ring. Adam Cole came down and checked on Strong, who was stretchered out.