An online report by has provided the latest update on the lawsuit regarding Randy Orton and his tattoos in WWE 2K video games.
The tattoo artist, Catherine Alexander has filed a response to WWE and 2K in their attempts to have the lawsuit dismissed. Catherine is alleging all of her work are original designs and no permission to use them was ever given in regards to video games, therefore they have infringed copyright laws.
WWE and 2K have argued the court does not have jurisdiction on them. In her response, Alexander states that the court does have personal jurisdiction over each entity because they chose specifically to aim their alleged infringement of her copyrighted work directly in the State of Illinois and because when previously contacted, WWE offered her a payment of $450 for the rights.
The court has now ordered that all discovery must be completed by 1/7, with a settlement conference taking place on 4/16 to resolve the issue.