AXS TV tweeted the following on Saturday, featuring a new trailer for their Women of Wrestling series. The series will premiere on January 18th.
The eight-episode series will feature thirty-five female wrestlers according to the original announcement in October including Tessa Blanchard, The Beast, Stephy Slays, Jungle Grrrl, Beverly Hills Babe, Faith the Lioness, Princess Aussie, and more.
From the founder of the ’80s hit TV series and cult classic GLOW (Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling), comes “WOW-Women Of Wrestling” (WOW) – the only nationally televised all-female professional wrestling series. Coming Friday, January 18th to AXS TV! 😈💪🏼 #womenofwrestling
— AXS TV (@AXSTV) December 8, 2018
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