Thursday, September 19, 2024
NewsTNAJoe Hendry Highlights The Benefits Of The WWE-TNA Crossover

Joe Hendry Highlights The Benefits Of The WWE-TNA Crossover



In a recent interview with Sports Illustrated, Joe Hendry highlighted the advantages of the crossover between WWE NXT and TNA Wrestling, emphasizing the positive impact it has on both companies.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On coming up with his theme song: “I wanted to progress to the top of the card, and I thought I needed an epic theme song to go along with that rise. I love music as much as I love wrestling. I love getting lost in both. I wanted audience participation. That’s what I knew it needed. Clapping hands and waving hands were the best options, so I reverse engineered the song in that manner. And the lyrics came to me. I wanted the audience to believe in me. What better way for that to happen than to sing it?”

On his NXT debut: “Did I think it was going to go well? Yes, I did. Did I think that was going to be WWE’s most watched video on X for the year? No, I did not. People saw my real emotions, and that’s what wrestling is all about.”

On the TNA-WWE working relationship: “The world is waking up to the level of talent we have in TNA. We’re thrilled to work with WWE in a way that benefits everybody–NXT, TNA, and wrestling fans.”

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