Wednesday, September 18, 2024
NewsTNANic Nemeth - 'Kofi Kingston Is The Ricky Steamboat Of Our Generation'

Nic Nemeth – ‘Kofi Kingston Is The Ricky Steamboat Of Our Generation’



On a recent edition of the “Under the Ring” podcast, TNA World Champion Nic Nemeth recalled Kofi Kingston winning the WWE Championship from Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson) at WrestleMania 35.

Nemeth also drew a comparison between Kingston and Ricky Steamboat.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On the KofiMania win at WrestleMania 35: “It was just watching it over and over and every step of the way getting another barricade put in his way. I don’t know what the payoff is in a few months, I don’t know what the situation is, I don’t know if he’s gonna almost win the big one.”

His thoughts on Kofi Kingston: “He’s one of the most beloved guys, the last true babyface, he’s never been a heel, I love it. The Ricky Steamboat of our generation.”

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