Wednesday, June 26, 2024
NewsVampiro Explains Why he Never Joined WWE

Vampiro Explains Why he Never Joined WWE



Vampiro spoke about why he never ended up in the WWE while doing an interview with Wrestling Inc.

Here is what he had to say: 

I don’t really remember. Everybody has their version, but I’ll say it like this, if WWE wanted Vampiro, Vampiro would be there. There’s a reason I’m not there. Everybody might say you missed your opportunity. No, that’s not true. I had an amazing career. Every single place I went, I was in the main event. I had great story lines. I had great interactions with the fans for the last 39 years. This is my 39th year. I have nothing bad to say. If I was that good and that important, WWE would have signed me on the spot. It’s that simple, so it wasn’t meant to be, and I was going through divorce. I was injured, and I didn’t know what was going on. My daughter was just born, and I had an offer to go to Japan and I was trying to save my marriage. The last thing on my mind was the WWE, and again, if they wanted me, of course I’d be there, but I didn’t make the cut. It’s that plain and simple. It just wasn’t my time. They didn’t need me. That’s that. No big deal.

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