Several reports surfaced earlier today that Velveteen Dream sent someone under the age of 18 explicit photos. A Reddit user claimed to have responded to Dream saying that his Instagram DMs were open. Dream then reportedly sent an explicit photo to that person. Some audio has surfaced online that features a voice that sounds just like Dream asking “what school do you go to?”. With that being said, there is no confirmation that it’s his voice on the tape.
Audio of Velveteen Dream interacting with minors over DMs appears online from SquaredCircle
Dream took to Twitter today, denying the claims. He said,
“Be assured I did not communicate inappropriately with anyone. A private photo of mine was shared without my consent or knowledge and I am working with a third party to look into this matter.”
Be assured I did not communicate inappropriately with anyone. A private photo of mine was shared without my consent or knowledge and I am working with a third party to look into this matter.
— Dream (@DreamWWE) April 24, 2020
The person says they have more proof and will be going to local police shortly.
Story developing ….