Thursday, June 27, 2024
NewsWWE Elimination Chamber Results: Men’s Elimination Chamber Match

WWE Elimination Chamber Results: Men’s Elimination Chamber Match



The following is from our play-by-play coverage of the WWE Elimination Chamber PPV event:

Seth, Balor, and Miz are the first three men to start the match. Miz tried to get Balor to go after Rollins but Balor turned him down. Seth and Balor decided to go after Miz and they did. Seth rolled up Balor for a near fall. Balor with a drop kick to Seth but Miz caught him with a shoulder block and Balor hit a drop kick to Miz for 2. Balor with a chop to Miz then a kick to Seth. A slow pace to start things off. Seth hit a knee strike to the gut of Balor. They exchanged roll ups. The fans started to boo.

Seth with a springboard clothesline then a suplex to Miz for 2. Miz avoided The Stomp and Seth hit him with a big boot. Seth with a double blockbuster off the middle rope to both stars. Cena was the next entrant. Cena went after Seth and hit a series of shoulder tackles. Cena with a back suplex and then one to Miz. Cena with a double 5 knuckle shuffle. Balor took Cena down and Balor hit a double foot stomp to Cena. Balor with Slingblade to Miz. Seth with a headkick to Balor. Cena went for a double AA to Balor and Seth but Balor got off the ride. Seth kicked Cena in the head and Miz hit a neck breaker to Seth for 2. Cena tossed Balor to the floor while Seth sent Miz into the steel. Balor fought back and landed a series of kicks to Cena. Cena hit a suplex to Balor while Seth hit one to Miz off the top rope at the same time. Reigns is the next entrant and he hit a series of strikes to everyone. Miz knocked Reigns down and hit a DDT to Seth for 2. Miz hit a series of kicks to Balor and Reigns.

Reigns with a clothesline to Balor after he drop kicked Miz. Balor went for a triangle choke but Reigns powerbombed his way out of it. Reigns with a samoan drop to Cena for 2. Reigns hit a powerbomb to Miz for 2. Strowman is the next entrant and he sent Seth into the chain and then landed a right hand to Reigns then one to Balor. Miz just got out of the ring. They all jumped on Braun but that didn’t work as Braun suplexed Seth and Cena. Strowman caught Balor and sent him into Reigns. Miz climbed onto the pod but Strowman climbed up there quickly and launched Miz into the structure then launched him onto the other superstars. Strowman hit a clubbing shot to Miz’s chest. Same went for Reigns. Strowman sent Seth flying to the floor then hit his finisher to Miz for the elimination.

Elias was the final entrant and he closed the pod. The other superstars jumped Strowman. They all hit a powerbomb to Strowman and covered him but he kicked out. Cena hit the AA to Strowman but he kicked out. Reigns with a spear to Strowman for 2. Seth hit the Curbstomp and Balor hit his double foot stomp finisher. Strowman rolled out of the ring. Cena hit the AA to Reigns and Seth hit a super kick to Cena. Balor and Seth hit a crossbody. Elias covered Seth for 2 then Balor then Reigns then Cena. All of them kicked out. Elias with a knee strike to Cena then went to the top rope and hit an elbow drop to Seth for 2. Elias hit a powerbomb to Reigns for 2. Strowman missed a spear and ate the ring post. Strowman hit his finisher to eliminate Elias.

Seth hit a knee strike to Strowman, Balor with a kick to Braun. Cena went for a crossbody but Strowman caught him and hit his finisher to eliminate Cena.

Strowman caught Balor and went for his finisher but Balor got out of it and hit a drop kick. Balor with a double foot stomp to Strowman for 2. Seth caught Balor with a kick and Balor landed one of his own. Balor hit the 1916 to Seth for 2. Balor with SlingBlade to Seth then drop kicked Reigns. Balor with a double footstomp to Reigns but Strowman hit his finisher to Balor for the elimination.

Reigns and Seth went right after Strowman. They sent Strowman to the floor then slammed him into the steel. Seth turned on Reigns and hit a spring board clothesline then missed the Stomp. Seth hit a buckle bomb but Reigns no sold it and hit a Superman Punch to Seth. Seth hit a frog splash off the top of the pod to Strowman for a near fall. Strowman hit a right hand to Seth and a drop kick to Reigns. Strowman with his powerslam finisher to eliminate Seth.

And we’re down to Strowman and Reigns. They exchange right hands and Strowman clotheslines him over the top rope. Reigns used the rope to his advantage and Reigns launched himself into Strowman. This led to Strowman running and going through one of the pods. Reigns hit a Superman Punch to Strowman then another one. Reigns went for a spear but it was blocked. Reigns with a Superman Punch then a spear and another one for the win.

Winner: Reigns





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