The following is from our play-by-play coverage of the WWE Super Show-Down PPV event:
Nikki and Riott started things off but Morgan and Brie were quickly tagged in where Brie hit a knee strike for 2. Logan and Nikki were tagged in with Logan hitting a big clothesline then landed a series of strikes. Morgan was tagged in and hit a knee drop off the middle rope to Nikki. Morgan landed a series of kicks in the corner. Nikki was able to hit a big boot in the corner but Morgan knocked her down before she could get a hot tag. Ruby was in and got some offense in. The heels worked over Nikki with quick tags.
Moments later, Nikki was able to mount a comeback with a head kick to Logan and got the hot tag to Rousey, who cleaned house with strikes to Logan as well as some judo throws. Rousey with a Samoan drop to Ruby then a series of right hands to Logan.
Rousey hit her finisher to Logan and The Bella took out the rest of the heels. Morgan sent Brie into the ring post while Nikki tossed Ruby into the barricade. Morgan attacked Rousey from behind. Rousey with a double judo throw to Morgan and Logan then hit a double armbar to them for the win.
Winners: Ronda Rousey & The Bella Twins