Saturday, June 29, 2024
NewsWWEBooker T - 'I’ve Never Broken Bread With Vince Russo'

Booker T – ‘I’ve Never Broken Bread With Vince Russo’



On a recent edition of his “Hall of Fame” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Booker T discussed his relationship with Vince Russo.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On whether he considers Vince Russo a friend: “I wouldn’t call him a foe or anything like that. But I wouldn’t necessarily say we’re friends either, because a friend you have to have broken bread with at least once. And Vince and I, we’ve never broken bread. We’ve never had an in-depth conversation, anything like that. Other than, you know, wrestling talk, but I would consider him a co-worker.”

On whether there was back and forth when Russo presented ideas in WCW: “For me it was a negotiation, because I went and asked Vince Russo if I could get a little bit more time, I knew the five-minute thing wasn’t gonna work for me. It just — I just tried it, and it wasn’t working. Get over matches, just wasn’t working. So no, he was willing to bend a little bit, because he gave me the extra time.”

On whether Hulk Hogan should have put him over at Bash at the Beach: “That would have been a great story, but there again, I really don’t think that would have ever happened. I don’t think — like Hulk said about Sting, I don’t think he would have been in the right mind space for that.”

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