Saturday, July 6, 2024
NewsWWEBully Ray Reveals His Pick To Win Women's MITB Match, Bron Breakker...

Bully Ray Reveals His Pick To Win Women’s MITB Match, Bron Breakker Talks WWE Goals



During a recent edition of the “Busted Open Radio” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Bully Ray revealed that he’d like to see Chelsea Green win this year’s women’s Money in the Bank match.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On his pick to win Money in the Bank 2024: “1000% who I want to win is Chelsea Green. Who do I think will win? Lyra. Chelsea with that briefcase is entertainment gold…it’s just gold. But it’s never going to happen. Tiffany or Lyra [will win].”

On how Green has earned the right to win the match: “You know I hate the word ‘deserve’ when it comes to pro wrestling. I love the word ‘earn.’ Nobody deserves anything in pro wrestling, you get what you earn. That’s why I hate the chant ‘You deserve it!’ Shut up. Chelsea, in my opinion, has earned the right to be thrown a bone, to give her more TV time. Because, as I said, as you backed up, Chelsea with that briefcase, she will make that briefcase mean more than anybody else. She will look at that briefcase as if it is more important than the Women’s World Championship.”

During a recent appearance on “The Masked Man Show,” Bron Breakker commented on his goals in WWE and his belief that he can become a top star for years to come. He said,

“I take this a day at a time and try to stack as many positive days in a row as I possibly can because you’re either getting better, or you’re getting worse. My goal is to get better every single day, every single time that I step out as the best version of me that the fans have ever seen. I owe it to them to give them my 100% best every single time they see me because I’m new, I’m a rookie. I treat it every single time when I go out as these people don’t know who I am, they’ve never seen me before. My mentality is to earn these people’s respect, that I belong up here, and not only do I belong, but I can be a main player here for a very long time. So that’s my mindset going forward on the main roster. My goal is to be a top guy in the future and to just carry the brand.“

NOTE: If you have any news tips or podcast recaps that you’d like to send in for us to post (full credit will be given to you), please email me at [email protected].

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