Tuesday, July 2, 2024
NewsWWEDonovan Dijak Debuts At Blitzkrieg Pro Event After WWE Exit

Donovan Dijak Debuts At Blitzkrieg Pro Event After WWE Exit



As we’ve been reporting here on eWn, Dijak is a free agent after his WWE deal expired on June 28.

Dijak confirmed that WWE did not negotiate with him and informed him of their decision not to renew his contract at the eleventh hour, which expired on Friday.

During his time in WWE, Dijak earned praise from fellow wrestlers, officials, and fans, establishing himself as a valuable asset to the company.

Following his departure from WWE, Dijak made a surprise, unadvertised debut at the Blitzkrieg Pro event on Saturday night, interrupting CPA’s celebration and executing his signature Feast Your Eyes finisher.

Subsequently, Dijak delivered a speech to the live audience, asserting his intention to appear wherever he desires and claim whatever he desires.

He said, “Last night, I didn’t have any plans of coming here. Last night, I still worked for WWE. Not any f**king more. I saw something I wanted, and I came and I f**king took it. You guys are in store for something really, really f**king special. Because from now on, if I want to do something, I f**king do it. I don’t give a s**t what state, I don’t give a s**t what country, what promotion. I’m going to go wherever the hell I want, whenever the hell I want, and take whatever the f**k I want. So if you got some glasses on, take them off, open your eyes, take a good look, because this is exactly what the world of professional wrestling has in store for them for the ever seen future. This is a place, for those of you who’ve been around here for a long time, this is the place that I made my name. So not only am I going to come and take whatever I want, but I’m going to give it all back to you. So line up, get in line, I’m going to be here all f**king night to meet every single one of you, to shake every one of your hands, and thank you for being here for me, for being here for them, and for being here for everyone and you can feast your f**king eyes on me.”

You can check out some highlights from Dijak’s first post-WWE appearance below:

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