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Eric Bischoff – ‘I Could Turn Cody Rhodes Heel In 20 Minutes’

On a recent edition of his “83 Weeks” podcast, Eric Bischoff discussed the possibility of Cody Rhodes turning heel.

Bischoff indicated that he has contemplated this transition for some time and has developed a gradual, nuanced concept for the shift from babyface to heel.

Rather than a sudden change, Bischoff envisions a more methodical evolution for Cody. He expressed a desire to engage in a meaningful conversation with the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion regarding this idea, believing that his proposed approach could result in a distinctive and impactful character transformation.

Bischoff said, “I’ve been thinking about it. I have an idea in my head; it’s not a big idea, it’s not an angle. It’s all about the transition. Typically, going from babyface to heel is an abrupt transition, like all of a sudden, right? But I see it differently in my head. I almost texted Cody this the other day. In fact, I will. Cody, if you’re listening to this, if there’s ever a conversation about you turning heel and it starts to get a little bit real, give me 20 minutes before you make a decision. Give me 20 minutes just to add a little bit of something to make it special.”

He continued, “So yeah, I think, look, is it gonna happen? I don’t know. I don’t talk to anybody. But if it does, I’d like 20 minutes of Cody’s time. If he turns, I’ve got a little something, and it’s so subtle but it would be so effective.”

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Published by
Saptarshi Sinha

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