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Eric Bischoff On Why He Has “Zero Interest” In A WWE Legends Deal

Eric Bischoff isn’t interested in signing a Legends deal with WWE as he feels it would be too restrictive to his projects in the world of wrestling.

On a recent edition of his “83 Weeks” podcast, Bischoff discussed the deals that allow legends to be on WWE’s payroll and make appearances. He said,

“One of the things that I’m most grateful [for] is that I have the freedom now to do what I want, when I want, with who I want, where I want, and make an extremely good living in the process. So being tied to a contract of any kind with anyone, unless it was ridiculously rewarding from a financial perspective, or it was so much fun that I didn’t care about the money, just has zero appeal to me.

“That’s why I wouldn’t sign one. So when I say I wouldn’t sign a legend’s contract, it has nothing to do with my respect for WWE or my willingness to work with them on a one-off basis. I don’t want to have a responsibility to someone long term.”

While Bischoff isn’t under a Legends deal, WWE is able to use his likeness for action figures and incorporate him into video games.

The WWE Hall of Famer stated that he has “about 11 months” left on a video game deal, and can do business with anyone else he wishes to work with when that ends.

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Published by
Thomas Lowson

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