Saturday, September 7, 2024
NewsWWEMan Suing WWE & AEW For Plagiarism Files Response To Motions To...

Man Suing WWE & AEW For Plagiarism Files Response To Motions To Dismiss



The man who is suing WWE and AEW on allegations of plagiarism has filed a response to motions by both companies to dismiss the lawsuit.

On July 19th, Anthony Wilson filed a response with United States District Court, Northern District of Ohio, Youngstown after both WWE and AEW have requested that the case be thrown out.

Wilson, who is currently incarcerated in the State of Ohio after throwing a milk carton full of urine at a corrections officer, argues that WWE and AEW’s arguments to dismiss are not proper grounds to do so and asks for the first hearing in the case to take place after November 5th.

You can check out the complete response below:

“I oppose both motions to dismiss. Simply denying these things is not grounds for dismissal. Jurisdiction is federal not state and the amount in question is well over $75,000. They may feel this sum is outlandish but when you steal, damage and copy someone else’s creative works, damages plus profits add up fast. As well each party lives in a separate state of the United States. This is federal court not a state court and both companies regularly do business in the state of Ohio on a worldwide stage, as do I and are tied to federal laws. Discovery will show parties malicious and deliberate acts.

“I would ask the court to deny both motions to dismiss and set the first hearing for after November 5th 2024. My time is short and I will be able to attend and file an overwhelming amount of evidence. It would be a tragedy of justice if the court were to allow these defendants to continue these actions against myself and anyone else. WWE just settled and (sic) antitrust lawsuit for malicious unfair action and have several lawsuits pending for terrible acts committed by some of the same people that will be named during discovery in this case.

“I may not be able to argue my case as well as both defendants attorneys but the American rule states I pay for my lawyer same as you so neither defendant is entitled to legal fees when I’m obviously having trouble finding legal representation I can afford seeing how I’m unable to perform do (sic) to an injury and the damages to my income from both defendants. I own everything I create automatically being protected by federal copyright laws and state common laws. If the defendants wish, I can expedite some registrations and ask the court for a continuance, though I will be seeking the 5 year prison term and the max fine of $250,000 for each malicious infringement as well as a sum that continues to grow with damages weekly. I above anyone wish these matters to be settled in a way that benefits all parties involved.

“I beg the court to denny these motions and allow me to present the facts and my case against both parties. I would as the court to reconsider my motion to stay until November 5th 2024 or grant a continuance until November 5th 2024. I’m doing my best to plead my case with limited freedoms. I do not receive mail in a timely fashion, affecting my times to respond. As with this letter I had less than 24 hours to respond. I have limited access to a law library that focuses on criminal law not civil. My motion was sent before my trial as a fail-safe in case the justice system failed me, which it did. This is a very short period of time most of which the court took up deciding.”

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