Categories WWE

RVD Names His Favorite Samoan To Work With In WWE

Rob Van Dam (RVD) recently talked about a wide range of topics on his “1 Of A Kind” podcast.

During the podcast, the WWE Hall of Famer named Umaga as his favorite Samoan wrestler to work with in WWE. He said,

“I loved Umaga. He was my favorite Samoan. I loved the way that he worked. I thought that he got it, like he was one of the big Samoans, but he stood out by being different. Like, the moves that he did, I didn’t … I don’t know if he made it up, but I didn’t see anybody else before him throw the guy up and catch him into the Samoan Drop. To me, that was his special move that made him an ‘extreme Samoan,’ besides the fact that he can move and did moves that other Samoans didn’t.”

He continued, “I remember, Umaga was also in the only match I had with the McMahons. That goes down as a memorable night for me. Vince McMahon, Shane-O, and Umaga versus RVD, and I held my own. But they cheated.”

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Andrew Ravens
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