The Undertaker has revealed that he got heat from some within the veteran community because he inducted Muhammad Ali into WWE’s Hall of Fame.
The legendary boxer was posthumously inducted into the Hall of Fame by the Phenom on the eve of WrestleMania 40 earlier this month.
On a recent edition of his “Six Feet Under” podcast, The Undertaker revealed that he earned ‘heat’ due to Ali’s stance against the Vietnam war. He said,
“I got a little heat from part of the veteran community. Muhammad Ali refused to go into [military service]. He didn’t want to go to Vietnam. He didn’t see why [he should] go 6,000 miles from home and fight somebody he had no [problem with].
“It was like, ‘I thought Undertaker was a patriot.’ Man, kiss my patriot ass.”
As for the speech, The Undertaker felt that Ali’s induction was too late into the Hall of Fame ceremony resulting in fans who’d attended SmackDown being very tired.