The Young Bucks recently spoke with SportsKeeda to talk about various topics. Here are the highlights.
You guys wrestled the Hardyz recently in ROH. What was the experience like and who are the best tag-team you’ve faced inside the squared circle?
Matt: “It was so much fun wrestling Matt and Jeff. They’re my favorite wrestlers of all time, so getting to work a small program with them was a career highlight for me. We learned so much being in the ring with them. They’re the greatest Tag Team ever.”
Nick: “It was an honor to wrestle guys we both look up to. We learned a lot Wrestling them because they’re quite possibly the most successful and best Tag Team of all time! We’ve been very fortunate to learn from Tag teams like the Hardy’s, the Dudley Boys, Briscoe brothers, Frankie Kazarian and Christopher Daniels, as well as the Motor City Machine Guns.”
Marty Scurll recently joined the Bullet Club. Any thoughts on him joining and the future of the Bullet Club?
Matt: “I’m all about Marty joining Bullet Club. I think this breathes new life into the group. It gives us one of the hottest, most buzzworthy stars in the business right now. Every time someone counts us out, we make a big play like this.”
Nick: “Yes I’m very happy about him joining. Matt and I have been pushing for him lately and we helped create the magic that fans witnessed in NYC live on PPV. He’s awesome and he will help Bullet Club grow and evolve.”