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ResultsDYNAMITEAEW Dynamite Results for May 19, 2021

AEW Dynamite Results for May 19, 2021



Credit: WINC

Christian Cage vs. Matt Sydal

Cage picks up the win with the Killswitch.

Winner: Christian Cage

Post-match, Christian helps Sydal up and gives him a hug. Sydal gives him a bow. Taz talking some trash from the commentary. Christian invites him into the ring. Ricky Starks heads out to the stage with a mic. Starks says he’s his own man, he’s going to be out front and center, not on the sideline. Starks says Christian has some business to settle and calls out his guys from the tunnel. Brian Cage, Powerhouse Hobbs, and Hook all jump in from from the crowd and attack Sydal/Christian. Page walks out with a drink, hands it to Starks. Page gets in and swings away on Hobbs and Cage. Brian tosses him out to the apron. Page with the buckshot lariat, no, drill claw, no. Hook jumps in and chop blocks Page from behind. Brian Cage with a powerbomb on Page. Team Taz then celebrates.

Varsity Blonds (with Julie Hart — no relation to the Hart family) cut a promo before tonight’s title match. Pillman Jr. says his dad wasn’t the reason he got into wrestling, it was the reason he stayed away! Pillman Jr. says The Young Bucks were good, stand-up guys and were the reason they are here tonight. Garrison recalls running a merch table years ago for Matt and Nick Jackson and now then he gets into AEW. Fast-forward to today, Matt and Nick are not the same guys they used to be, and it’s time they get a reality check. Pillman Jr. says they won’t stop until they reach their destiny as the AEW World Tag Team Champions.

on Moxley and Eddie Kingston talk about making a dent in the tag division after they’ve put together a string of wins. Moxley asks Kingston if they are inviting them to a superkick party. Kingston responds that neither of them throw superkicks. Moxley says they are just going to beat the brakes of The Acclaimed.

The Acclaimed talk about Moxley and Kingston invading their space in the tag division. Bowens says if Moxley/Kingston want a tag title shot, they have to go through the acclaimed, but they are getting their asses dropped.

Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston vs. The Acclaimed

Moxley and Kingston get the win when Moxley gets Dirty Deeds on Bowens.

Winners: Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston

Backstage, Alex Marvez goes to talk with Chris Jericho (who’s with Dean Malenko). Marvez wants to know if Inner Circle is going to accept The Pinnacle’s challenge. He tells Marvez to bounce before he makes Malenko mad.

– In the ring, Tony Schiavone talks with Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky. He talks about their recent attacks on Sting. Sky says when he was a kid, Sting was the best and everything good about pro wrestling. He wanted to be just like Sting, but over time that feeling changed. Sky says Sting is not the same man he used to be. He warns Sting to step aside, or he will put Sting down. Page tells Tony he can finish this interview and tells him to head out. Page talks about throwing Darby Allin down the steps a couple weeks, then Allin lost the TNT Title the week after. Page says he know how much that title meant to Allin, it means the world to him! Page says he’s here to take everything away from Allin. “I will be the nail in your coffin!” The lights go out, snow falls, and Sting walks out to the ring. Allin in from behind with the skateboard and smacks both guys with it. Both team brawling as Sting takes the skateboard and cracks Sky in the midsection with it. Allin continues to swing away on Page. Sting with the scorpion deathlock on Sky, who then taps out. Allin stays in Page’s way, so he can’t get back in the ring. Page and Sky look to leave, but Dark Order cuts them off at the tunnels. The two men run off to the side to get away.

At a nice restaurant, The Pinnacle enjoy a meal. MJF at the top of the table, mocks Chris Jericho for being so funny with all his jokes and soaking them with some bubbly. MJF says he hopes Jericho laughs himself silly about how great he is, because for the first time in his career he’s dealing with a guy who also gets the last laugh. Dax Harwood says they should be chasing the titles, not having to deal with the Inner Circle. He goes to get some more wine, server brings him it. Spears holds his glass up and waits. MJF then gets his filled up. Spears tells the server to come over and slams his head down on the table for having to wait too long. He goes to hit him with a wine bottle, but Tully backs him down. Tully tosses the server some cash and says “that should take care of it.” MJF finishes with the signature “When you’re in The Pinnacle, you’re always on top.”

Hikaru Shida vs. Rebel

Shida wins with a kneebreakder followed by a stretch muffler submission.

Winner: Hikaru Shida

Post-match, Baker jumps in the ring and attacks Shida. She brings in the title and curb stomps Shida down on the title. Baker picks up the title and holds it above her head.

Last week, Kenny Omega and Don Callis want to talk with Orange Cassidy in the trainer’s room. They ask Best Friends and Kris Statlander to head out. The two talk to Cassidy about him getting knocked out in his match against PAC. Omega says they care about Cassidy and they need him to be the “mascot” of AEW, but not really a main eventer. Omega says he’s speaking as an EVP and wants to protect him. Callis says they have a simple legal document that they are injured and can’t work at Double or Nothing, but they will still get a future title match! Cassidy takes the paper and slowly rips it in half. Omega: “You didn’t even read it.” Omega then tries to talk to him performer to performer. Says he could injure, end Cassidy’s career, or even end his life! It would be terrible if any of that happened. Callis then gives him another copy and tells him to hold it and think things over. They head off and remind him of his bright future.

The Inner Circle head out to the ring. Ortiz on the mic, he says “plain and simple, I want to fight!” Guevara agrees, says this battle will never end between the two groups. He calls The Pinnacle a bunch of clowns and everybody already knows his answer for the match. Jake Hager says they don’t have a choice because they have said since the beginning, they are the baddest. If they don’t accept, they are just like Pinnacle (cowards). Jericho takes over and says ultimately what he heard loud and clear is if they accept the challenge, they have to also accept the possibility of breaking up for good, if they lose. Jericho says he wonders if it’s worth it, he wonders if Blood and Guts was worth. They gave up pieces of themselves, and they won’t get that back. Jericho says his banged up elbow will heal, but won’t heal is MJF throwing him off the top of the cage. Jericho says he felt like it was for hours and his head nearly hit the back of the stage and that could have been the end of Jericho. “Was it worth it?!” Jericho says it is because MJF has given him the fire and inspiration to comeback and beat their asses. The group says yes to the challenge. Jericho notes Santana will be back next week. “Hell is coming for you, Pinnacle!”

– Tony talks with Jade Cargill about if she made any decisions about who she wants to work for. Cargill says she’s not working for anyone! Mark Sterling shows up again and says he doesn’t want Cargill to work for him, he wants to work for her. Cargill didn’t appreciate him showing up during her interview and tells him to bounce. She will think about his offer though as he leaves.

Serena Deeb vs. Red Velvet – NWA Women’s Championship

Deeb wins with the serenity lock.

Winner: Serena Deeb

Austin Gunn vs. Anthony Ogogo

Referee about to stop the match, but Gunn stops him. Gunn tries for a single leg takedown, no luck there. Ogogo helps him up and does a pop-up punch to the stomach. Referee calls the match.

Winner: Anthony Ogogo

Post-match, Cody jumps in the ring to check on his guy. Ogogo grabs the American flag that Cody brought in. Ogogo tosses in the air and Cody grabs it. All the refs come out to the ring and get the two guys separated.

– Marvez talks with Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian after they had to disband. Marvez asks Daniels about his tweet saying he might be done in the ring. Daniels doesn’t say anything, but just shakes Kazarian’s hand and says something to him. Kazarian says he doesn’t have enough time to talk about how much Daniels means to him. Kazarian says Daniels may or may not be done, but Kazarian is still moving forward. He lost something last week and he’s going to hunt down every member of The Elite for what they did to him.

AEW TNT Champion Miro heads out to the stage to talk for the first time since winning the title. He gets in the ring and thanks Jesus Christ for protecting him, and giving him strength/power to defeat everyone. Miro took what Darby Allin said could not be taken. Miro says now everybody knows it doesn’t matter if you’re the baddest on Earth, or the most popular thing in AEW, if he wants it — it’s done. Miro says he forgives Allin, and says all he has to do is go home and make more of his college student videos. “We want Darby!” from the crowd. Miro holds up the title and says “There’s your Darby.” Next Friday’s Dynamite, Miro will defend the title. Lance Archer comes out to the stage and tells Miro to shut the hell up. Archer says he’s been the monster here a lot longer than Miro has. Archer says he can’t wait for Double or Nothing when he takes the title and makes Miro his “Bulgarian b*****.” Miro says the difference between them, is an old man doesn’t hold him back. When he wants something he just takes it. He tells Jake to stay away. He says Archer always says “everybody dies” and it’s true, but Miro insists Archer dies first.

The Young Bucks (C) vs. Varsity Blondes – AEW Women’s Tag Team Championships

Matt tags in, sharpshooter locked in. Nick with cold spray in the face as Cutler distracts the referee! Garrison runs in and kicks Matt, but he eats a superkick from Nick. Another can of cold spray thrown in, but Julie yells at the referee to get the can. Ref gets rid of it, another can thrown in. Matt sprays Julie in the face! She screams and falls to the ground. Matt drops Pillman and applies the sharpshooter again. Nick gets rid of Garrison, hits a facebuster on Pillman, and Pillman has to tap out to the pain.

Winners: The Young Bucks

Post-match, the champions get their titles and celebrate in the ring. Moxley and Kingston get into the ring, Callis and Cutler bail out of the ring. Kingston and Moxley swing away on the champions. Kingston just biting Nick in the face. Moxley putting Matt to sleep, as does Kingston to Nick. Young Bucks are out. The two end up stealing Matt and Nick’s expensive Jordan sneakers. Commentary announces it will be Moxley and Kingston vs. The Young Bucks at Double or Nothing.

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