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ResultsNXTWWE NXT Results: June 4, 2024

WWE NXT Results: June 4, 2024



Tonight’s episode of WWE NXT is live out of the WWE Capitol Wrestling Center in Orlando, Florida. Welcome to the eWrestlingNews coverage of NXT results for this week!

Follow along here for results of all the matches and noteworthy moments and keep refreshing for updates. Be sure to chat it up in the comments below and tell us your thoughts while watching this episode!

  • Earlier today, Ava, Robert Stone, and some security met with Ethan Page in the NXT parking lot.
  • TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace defeated Stevie Turner by pinfall. Roxanne Perez was on commentary for the match.
  • In the parking lot, Lash Legend breaks up with Trick Williams. “Whatever this is” between them is over, as she needs to focus on the NXT Women’s North American Championship. He gets it and wishes her good luck.
  • Earlier today, Shawn Spears tried to convince some Performance Center talent that they need his guidance. Josh Briggs came over to disagree and call Spears out on his comments for last week. Spears reiterated that he’s a lost soul and left Briggs mean-mugging him.
  • NXT Women’s North American Championship Summit: The six women competing argued with each other, leading to an announcement of a six-woman tag team match to come later tonight.
  • No Quarter Catch Crew is determined to win back the NXT Heritage Cup tonight in an awkward segment where they talked to each other through a mirror.
  • Jazmyn Nyx defeated Thea Hail by pinfall
  • Ava and Robert Stone talked about how Ethan Page is a nightmare in his contract negotiations.
  • Earlier today, Axiom and Nathan Frazer got into a fight with The Good Brothers at the merch stand.
  • Josh Briggs was attacked backstage by Shawn Spears. Je’Von Evans came to the scene and went after Spears. They fought to the ring and Evans came out on top.
  • NXT Heritage Cup: Tony D’Angelo retained over Damon Kemp
  • Trick Williams is going to be there for Ethan Page’s contract signing.
  • Jordynne Grace and Michin got together backstage to catch up. Sol Ruca came over to say hey and leave, followed by Jaida Parker to trash talk. Then Arianna Grace, who pointed out how they have the same last name but aren’t related. Tatum Paxley was next, eyeing the TNA Knockouts Championship.
  • Natalya defeated Izzi Dame by pinfall.
  • During the commercial break, Gallus attacked Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont. Gallus then cut a promo airing their grievances about a few things like Sexyy Red, celebrities, social media, etc. Oba Femi, and then, Wes Lee, interrupted, and got beaten down due to the 3-on-2 advantage Gallus had.
  • Wendy Choo is coming back next week.
  • Lexis King’s interview where he badmouthed Dante Chen was interrupted by Chen himself going on the attack.
  • Six-Woman Tag Team Match: Jaida Parker, Michin and Sol Ruca defeated Fallon Henley, Lash Legend and Kelani Jordan by pinfall (Ruca pinned Legend). Interesting of note, Jacy Jayne returned to stand next to Jazmyn Nyx and watch the match, sporting a mask.
  • Backstage, Stevie Turned told Ava it wasn’t fair to book her against Jordynne Grace and wants another opportunity next week. Ava blew her off, as it’s time to sign Ethan Page’s contract.
  • Another vignette aired to hype up Eddy Thorpe.
  • Ethan Page and Ava spoke about Page’s contract in the ring. Trick Williams came out to talk some trash. Page revealed that in his contract, his first match will be this weekend at NXT Battleground for the NXT Championship. Williams is determined to get revenge on Page for being jumped from behind and the match is on.

What did you think of this episode of NXT? Tell us your thoughts in the comments section below!

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