Thursday, March 6, 2025
ResultsPPVWWE Stomping Grounds 2019 PPV Results - Rollins vs. Corbin, Steel Cage...

WWE Stomping Grounds 2019 PPV Results – Rollins vs. Corbin, Steel Cage Match



Welcome to the WWE Stomping Grounds pre-show, and we are live on the WWE Network. There are various video packages hyping all of the matches on the card. 

  • WWE Cruiserweight Title Triple Threat Match: Drew Gulak beat Tony Nese © and Akira Tozawa

Welcome to the WWE Stomping Grounds PPV! We get an intro video package to hype the matches that will be taking place tonight. Our opening contest is…

WWE Raw Women’s Title Match: Becky Lynch © vs. Lacey Evans

Lynch went for an early leg submission early on. Evans ducked to the floor but Lynch hit her with a clubbing shot. Back in the ring, Lynch hit a series of head kicks. Lynch connects with a botched spring board kick. Evans rolls to the floor again then back in the ring Lynch rolls her up for 2. Lynch with a leg sweep but Evans started to target the gut of Lynch. Lynch with a gator roll then stretch her around the ring post. Evans worked over the ribs of the champion with kicks in the corner. The crowd was hot for this contest and behind Lynch. Evans went for a bridge but Lynch got out and connected with a spring board kick then went for a suplex but Evans landed a knee shot. Evans placed her on the top rope but Lynch rolled through with the disarmer but Evans got to the bottom rope. Lynch with a series of punches then a few clotheslines and knee strikes. Evans cut her off with a right hand. Lynch fired back with a big boot then a forearm shot. Lynch with a suplex out of the corner for 2. Lynch missed a leg drop off the top rope and Evans botched a spring board leg drop that allowed Lynch to roll her up for 2. Lynch ran into a back elbow and Evans hit a spring board stunner then a kick for 2. Lynch knocked her off the top rope and locked in the Disarmer for the win.

Winner: Becky Lynch ©

Tag Team Match: Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn vs. Xavier Woods & Big E

Owens and Zayn took out Big E then hit some signature moves for near falls on Woods. They did some double team moves to Woods while Big E was held back from the referee. This beatdown continued for the next few minutes. Zayn locked in the crossface on Woods, who got out of it. Owens was in but ate a head kick by Woods. This changed the tide as Big E was about to get the hot tag but Zayn knocked him off the apron. Woods reversed a back suplex and hit one of his own. Owens in and missed a back splash and allowed woods to hit a face buster. Big E got the hot tag and cleaned house. He hit a series of suplexes to Zayn. Big E knocked Owens off the apron and hit a back elbow and a splash to Zayn for 2. Zayn with elbows and hit a big boot followed by DDT that was blocked. Big E with a powerslam to Zayn in the corner for 2. Woods now in and lifted up Big E for a splash. Woods with a spring board elbow drop for 2. Zayn with a big boot to Woods and Owens with a powerbomb for 2 but Big E broke it up. Big E took out Zayn with a clothesline. Owens took out Big E. Woods hit Owens with a forearm shot. Big E with a spear through the ropes to Zayn. Woods went to the top rope but Owens knocked him down and hit the stunner for the win.

Winner: Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn

WWE United States Title Match: Samoa Joe © vs. Ricochet

Ricochet went right after Joe with a series of strikes. Joe stopped this when he tossed him to the floor and sent him into the barricade. Joe planted him back in the ring for 2. Ricochet tried to mount a comeback but Joe hit a splash in the corner and hit a head kick for 2. Ricochet with a jaw breaker. Ricochet with a series of head kicks that has the champion on his heels. Ricochet tossed him into the corner and hit a shoulder block followed by a spring board elbow. Ricochet hit an outside dive and then sent him back into the ring. Ricochet with a spring board drop kick and a moonsault for 2. Ricochet went to the top rope but missed a dive and Joe hit a suplex for 2. Ricochet went for a spring board elbow but Joe caught him and hit a major league clothesline for 2. Joe with a big powerslam then a knee strike and went for the rear-naked choke but Ricochet managed to use the top rope to his advantage. Ricochet went to the top rope and missed his finisher. Ricochet with the codebreaker and then hit his finisher for the win.

Winner: Ricochet – NEW Champion

WWE SmackDown Tag Team Title Match: Daniel Bryan & Erick Rowan © vs. Heavy Machinery

Otis and Bryan started things out. The crowd was fully behind Bryan, who landed a series of kicks. Otis knocked him down and got booed by the fans. Bryan with more kicks until Otis hit a press slam then Tucker landed a stalling suplex for 2. Tucker with a powerful shoulder block for 2. Rowan got the blind tag and hit a diving crossbody. Rowan with a series of punches in the corner and a powerslam. The crowd started chanting “please recycle” during a rest hold. Bryan was back in and hit a drop kick in the corner. Rowan was in and started to beatdown Tucker. Rowan missed a shoulder block into the post. Otis picked up Bryan and hit a powerslam. Bryan tripped Otis into the turnbuckle. Bryan with a series of running kicks in the corner. Otis caught him with a powerbomb for 2. Otis missed the Vader Bomb and allowed Bryan to fire up and land the chest kicks. Otis fired up and no sold the kicks. Otis with a suplex then a splash in the corner. Otis with a spash in the corner then Tucket hit a powerslam to Bryan for 2 until Rowan broke it up. Tucker with a back suplex then went to the top rope and hit a moonsault but Bryan moved and caught Bryan’s legs. Rowan and Otis got the tags. They traded shoulder blocks then clotheslines. Otis caught Rowan and hit a powerslam. Tucker back in but Bryan knocked him to the floor. Bryan with a flying knee strike and Tucker punched him in the face. Tucker with an outside dive to the floor to Rowan. Bryan rolled up Tucker for the win.

Winners: Daniel Bryan & Erick Rowan ©

WWE SmackDown Women’s Title Match: Bayley © vs. Alexa Bliss

Bayley went right after Bliss with a series of right hands. Bliss knocked her down and worked over a chin lock. Bliss with a back breaker. Bayley landed a flying crossbody for 2 but Bliss went right back on the attack with clubbing shots. Bliss sent her into the corner and hit a kick to the face. Bayley with a clothesline out of the corner and then landed a series of kicks followed by an elbow drop. Bliss with a major league right hand. Bayley used the top rope to her advantage then a knee strike to the face. Bayley missed a dive off the top rope and Bayley hit a knee strike. Bayley missed a flying kick and Bliss sent her shoulder first into the ring post. Bayley with a back suplex and then a sunset flip powerbomb into the turnbuckle. Bayley took out Cross with an outside dive. Back in the ring, Bliss knocked her down and went to the top rope but Cross got into the ring and then told to get out. Bliss went for her finisher but Bayley put up the knees and hit her finisher for the win.

Winner: Bayley ©

Singles Match: Roman Reigns vs. Drew McIntyre

They started brawling right out of the gate. Reigns clotheslines him out of the ring and hit a dive outside of the ring to take out McIntyre. Reigns chased after McMahon until McIntyre caught him with a cheap shot. McIntyre tossed him into the steel steps. McIntyre with a powerslam back in the ring. McIntyre worked over the left shoulder of Reigns. Reigns with a suplex to fight back. McMahon distracted Reigns and allowed McIntyre to roll up Reigns for 2. They traded right hands and then McIntyre did a surfboard type submission. They trade more strikes with Reigns hitting a clothesline and another one. Reigns was getting mixed reactions from the crowd. Reigns with a series of clotheslines in the corner then a big boot. Reigns with a Superman Punch to McMahon on the apron then a second one. Reigns missed the drive by and McIntyre slammed him on the announce table. McIntyre with a powerslam in the ring for 2. McIntyre went for a move on the top rope but Reigns knocked him down but McIntyre fired back with strikes and hit a superplex for 2. McIntyre with a headbutt then went to the top rope but Reigns caught him with a superman punch for a near fall. Reigns fired up and they traded kicks. Reigns with a spear for a near fall as McMahon dragged the referee out of the ring. McMahon attacked Reigns and went to the top rope for coast to coast and hit it. McIntyre pinned Reigns for a near fall. McIntyre ran into a superman punch and Reigns tossed Shane to the floor. Reigns with a spear to McIntyre for the win.

Winner: Roman Reigns

WWE Title Steel Cage Match: Kofi Kingston © vs. Dolph Ziggler

They start brawling and Ziggler knocked him down then sent him into the cage. Dolph landed a series of strikes then Kofi hit a clothesline out of the corner. Ziggler sent him face first into the cage for 2. Kofi rolled him up after avoiding a move and Dolph went into the cage. Kofi hit a crossbody off the top rope then started to climb the cage. Kofi and Ziggler went to the top of the cage and they fell to the mat due to double headbutts. Ziggler worked over a heel hook and Kofi tried to break it with the ropes. Ziggler hit a head kick that sent Kofi through the door but Ziggler held on. Ziggler went back on the attack of the heel. Ziggler fought out of an ankle lock and Ziggler hit the Zig Zag for 2. Ziggler tried to escape through the door but Kofi stopped him. They did the spot again but this time, Kofi leaped over Dolph to win the match.

Winner: Kofi Kingston ©

WWE Universal Title Match: Seth Rollins © vs. Baron Corbin – Special Guest Referee TBA

Lacey Evans was introduced as the special guest referee. Corbin attacked Rollins from behind as he was distracted by Evans. Corbin hit him a few times with a chair before the match starts. Corbin would continue the attack while the fans chanted “this is stupid.” A chant of “AEW” broke out. Corbin beat him down in a slow paced way while fans continued various chants. After a few minutes of Corbin’s offense, Rollins hit a head kick. They traded right hands. Rollins hit a spring board knee strike then a superkick for a near fall as Evans was counting slow. Rollins used the top rope to his advantage and powerbombed him through the announce table.

Evans did a slow ten count and then told Mike Rome that there are no count outs in this match. Rollins tossed him back into the ring and went for the curbstomp but Corbin rolled to the floor. Corbin with a right hand then slammed him on the apron and chokeslammed him in the ring for 2. Rollins caught him with a kick and hit a frog splash for 2 as Evans stopped counting. Corbin grabbed a chair and hit him several times with it. Rome then announced that this is now a No DQ match.

Rollins reversed a suplex and hit Falcon Arrow on the chair but Evans doesn’t count. Evans slapped Rollins and then again. Evans hit a low blow and Corbin hit End of Days. Becky Lynch ran out to the ring and attacked Evans. Rollins reversed End of Days and hit the stomp for the win.

Winner: Seth Rollins ©


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