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ResultsRAWWWE Monday Night RAW Results for May 10, 2021

WWE Monday Night RAW Results for May 10, 2021



Asuka, Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke vs. Charlotte Flair, Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler

During the match, Alexa Bliss appears on the ramp to say she’s out there only to watch out for a certain someone. During the end of the match, Baszler’s knee buckles and she can’t make the tag, allowing Asuka to get a Shining Wizard for the win.

Winners: Asuka, Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke

After the match, Flair gives Asuka a big boot to the face. Alexa Bliss laughs manically.

– After the bell, Flair immediately runs in and levels Asuka from behind. Flair stands tall as the referee checks on Asuka. Flair’s music plays as we hear Bliss and Lilly laughing from the stage. Flair and the others look up at Bliss.

– We see how Riddle and Randy Orton defeated Elias and Jaxson Ryker last week. The New Day is backstage now when Riddle rides up on his scooter. He thanks them for registration forms because R-K-Bro will be an official tag team in a few weeks. Kofi Kingston says its a little known fact that every tag team must fill out a registration form, unlike RAW Tag Team Champions AJ Styles and Omos, who are frauds. They go on talking about tomatoes when Orton appears. Riddle and The New Day think Orton getting hit by tomatoes last week was funny. Orton disagrees and thinks ending careers, killing Legends, kicking people in the head, and setting things on fire are funny. Orton says he will see them out there as he walks off. The announcers hype the big eight-man tag team match as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and the announcers hype WWE Champion Bobby Lashley vs. Drew McIntyre for tonight. We see MVP knocking on Braun Strowman’s door backstage. He just walks in and we see Strowman talking to a staffer. He turns around and tells MVP to get out. MVP came to discuss business but Braun isn’t interested. MVP tells Braun to hear him out. MVP says Lashley didn’t beat Strowman last week, Drew did. Lashley praised Strowman to MVP and said it would’ve been close if it weren’t for Drew. Braun is losing his patience. MVP says Lashley isn’t going to lose the title but if he did, he’d rather lose it to Braun. MVP brings up how it would be Strowman vs. Lashley in a singles match if Drew were to suffer an injury tonight. Strowman fumes and says he really doesn’t like MVP. MVP understands and says a lot of people don’t, but don’t take this personal, it’s just business. MVP leaves.

We see how Damian Priest defeated John Morrison last week. Priest has requested a match for the pay-per-view and he will face The Miz. We see Adam Pearce talking to Priest in the back. The Miz and John Morrison walk in as Pearce called them all to talk about an idea Priest had. Morrison had a better idea and they go back & forth over last week’s match. This leads to Priest saying if Morrison beats him tonight, Morrison gets to pick the stipulation for Miz vs. Priest at Backlash but if Priest wins, he picks. Miz isn’t down with this idea but Morrison interrupts and says they accept. Miz isn’t happy but Morrison is confident he can beat Priest. Miz and Morrison walk off.

– We go to Jinder Mahal backstage. Jinder says nothing smells better than fresh competition, and he’s excited and happy to be back on RAW. But he’s not alone. He introduces Veer, the former Rinku Singh, and Shanky, the former Dilsher Shanky. Jinder goes on and says he will be reminding everyone why he was once WWE Champion. They walk off.

Jinder Mahal vs. Jeff Hardy

Mahal with the Khallas.

Winner: Jinder Mahal

After the match, Jinder stands tall as his music hits. Veer and Shanky join him in the ring as we go to replays. Jinder, Veer and Shanky stand tall on the apron to boos now.

– Sonya Deville is backstage on the phone. She hangs up and in comes Charlotte Flair but we can’t hear what they’re saying.

– Jaxson Ryker and Elias are talking about getting payback tonight. Ryker has a basket full of tomatoes. AJ Styles and Omos walk up and Elias begins playing a song about getting revenge in the eight-man match. AJ interrupts and says there will be no tomatoes tonight. He goes on and tells them they are teaming with the RAW Tag Team Champions tonight, so take things serious. Omos grabs a tomato and squeezes it with his hand. AJ says they hate tomatoes. AJ and Omos walk off.

Team RK-Bro and New Day vs. AJ Styles, Omos, Elias and Jaxson Ryker

Orton wins the match for his team with an RKO from Elias.

Winners: Team RK-Bro and New Day

After the match, Orton stands tall as his music hits. Orton looks annoyed while the others celebrate. Orton suddenly drops Woods and then Kofi with the RKO. Riddle can’t believe it. He has words with Orton before Orton exits the ring by himself. Orton’s music starts up as we go to replays. Riddle looks on smiling as Orton heads up the ramp.

– Sonya Deville has called RAW Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley to her office. Asuka walks in and they face off. Deville says we are going to resolve this peacefully. She says these two have been at each other’s throats for weeks now, and she was given an idea and she likes it. She makes Asuka vs. Ripley for tonight. Ripley asks who came up with this idea but Deville won’t say. Ripley wonders if this is Charlotte Flair’s idea so they will be beat up for WrestleMania Backlash. Asuka says she’s already been in the ring once tonight but she will do it again because she’s ready for Rhea. Ripley says she will beat Asuka tonight like she did at WrestleMania 37 and Flair can scheme all she wants but it won’t stop what is happening this Sunday.

Sheamus vs. Humberto Carrillo

Carillo hits a Sunet Bomb on the outside, but both men are unable to respond and the ref throws the match out.

Winner: No Contest

– After the bell, Sheamus has his arm raised as he retains his United States Title. Sheamus’ music starts up as he falls back down and tries to recover. Officials check on Carrillo now.

– Virk sends us to a vignette looking at Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado of Lucha House Party, who are re-introducing themselves to the WWE Universe. They are always ready to show out and show off, and they are always… Lucha Lit!

Cedric Alexander vs. Shelton Benjamin

Benjamin wins with a T-Bone suplex out of nowhere.

Winner: Shelton Benjamin

– After the match, Shelton stands tall and has his arm raised as the music hits.

– The announcers show us how Angel Garza defeated Drew Gulak last week and then kicked a rose up his rear end while he was down. We see Garza doing a backstage photo shoot now. Gulak interrupts and asks if this is all one big joke, if Garza has respect for their profession or if he’s just busy with his photo shoots and trying out for the next season of The Bachelor, as if anyone would accept a flower from him anyway. Gulak says what Garza did last week has never been done in WWE, he embarrassed and humiliated Gulak. Garza threatens to do it again but Gulak says there won’t be a next time. Garza says maybe next time he will shove the rose down Gulak’s throat. Gulak walks off as Gulak stares him down.

Asuka vs. Rhea Ripley

Ripley wins with Riptide.

Winner: Rhea Ripley

Recap of last week’s main event.

Drew McIntyre is interviewed backstage, and he said he had no intention of getting involved in last week’s main event until Braun put his hands on him, and he was proud that he laid out both Lashley and Strowman with two Claymores. He overheard MVP’s offer to Strowman, but he can only focus on tonight, and that’s connect to a Claymore to Bobby Lashley, and finish the job this Sunday to become WWE Champion.

Damian Priest vs. John Morrison – Winner Picks Stipulation For WrestleMania: Backlash

Miz attempts to distract Priest, but it backfires and he hits Hit The Lights on Morrison for the win.

Winner: Damian Priest

After the match, Miz immediately hits the ring and unloads on Priest. Priest blocks the Skull Crushing Finale and goes for a kick but Miz retreats to the stage as fans boo, leaving Morrison down in the ring. Priest grabs Morrison and delivers another Hit The Lights as Miz looks on from the stage. Priest stands tall and stares up at Miz as his music plays. Priest has earned the right to pick the stipulation for his match with The Miz on Sunday.

– We see Drew McIntyre backstage warming up for the main event. We also see Bobby Lashley warming up. Braun Strowman walks in and stares Lashley down. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we get a new vignette with Eva Marie, who is at a photo shoot. She talks about seeing levels of fame and fortune she never imagined at the beginning of her career. Some people see her as a supermodel but she likes to see herself as a super role model. She says she’s had everything she ever wanted and she wants others to see their wildest dreams come true as well, but they have to be willing to put in the work. She says everybody wants that one perfect picture but they don’t realize it takes 99 bad ones to get there. She says life is not picture perfect but anything’s possible. This is Eva-Lution. Coming soon.

– Adam Pearce is backstage when Damian Priest walks in. His stipulation for the match with The Miz on Sunday is a Lumberjack Match, so Miz can’t run away. Priest is ready to deal with The Miz in the middle of the ring. Pearce agrees and makes the match.

– The announcers go over the card for Sunday’s WrestleMania Backlash pay-per-view.

Bobby Lashley vs. Drew McIntyre

McIntyre is able to hit the Claymore, but he is interrupted by Strowman and Strowman comes from behind and hits the running power slam for the DQ.

Winner by DQ: Drew McIntyre

After he hits the running power slam, Strowman approaches Lashley and helps him up and shakes his hand. Then, he decides to powerslam him, and then he does so again through the barricade on the outside. Strowman taunts McIntyre in his face before giving him another running power slam once last time, as he stands tall.

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